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时间:2017年06月14日 访问次数:

①Highlight of previous research on pancreatic cancer at Mayo, and ongoing research projects in Wenzhou

My previous research was the first to discover the molecular mechanism mediating transcriptional repression of a subset of SP1/KLF zinc finger transcriptional factors. The paper: Zhang JS et al. A conserved alpha-helical motif mediates the interaction of Sp1-like transcriptional repressors with the corepressor mSin3A. MCB 2001 remains one of the most cited papers in the field, for which he received the Hirshberg Award in 2001 annual meeting of American Pancreas Association (the only Awardee of the meeting). The above paper together with the follow up paper (Ellenrieder V, Zhang JS et al. "Signaling disrupts mSin3A binding to the Mad1-like Sin3-interacting domain of TIEG2, an Sp1-like repressor" EMBO J. 2002) are the two classic mechanistic findings of transcriptional repression (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KLF11).

We are currently a leading group on the regulation and cross-talk between glycogen-synthase kinase and oncogenic KRas in pancreatic carcinogenesis (funded by China National Natural Science grant), as well as the role of SOX2 in the regulation of pancreatic cancer cell stemness. 嘉宾简介:

张金三,教授,任职于温州医科大学药学院&第一附属医院,温州大学生命与环境科学学院,Schulze Center for Novel Therapeutics(USA)。目前研究方向聚焦于肿瘤生物与转化医学,与此同时,研究兴趣及在温州的课题方向有:①Role of GSK-3 in pancreatitis and oncogenic KRas-driven pancreatic carcinogenesis in GEM models and its implication for therapy;②Integration of genomic, proteomic and optogenetic tools in dissecting RTK(FGFR/EGFR) signaling and target gene network in human cancer;③Molecular mechanism underlying Hippo signaling and FGF/FGFR signaling in regulation of pancreatic stemness and EMT;④Genetic/epigenetic marker discovery and CTC/ctDNA-based liquid biopsy in combination with NGS toward implementing cancer precision therapy。

张金三博士在生物学和肿瘤研究相关领域方面发表了超过60篇SCI论文(Cancer Discovery, Gastroenterology, Nat Commun等),其中40篇IF≥4.5,累积IF> 350,被引次数>2000。以温州医大/温州大学为主要及合作单位发表的论文17篇。曾获得以下多项荣誉:①Joint New Investigator Award, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and American Cancer Society.  2012/08-2013/08;②    Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in Prostate Cancer, Mayo Clinic,Research Project Development Award,2010/12-2012/12;   ③Annual Hirshberg Award for pancreatic cancer research,American Pancreatic Association (美国胰腺学会年会,2001年度奖,唯一获奖者);④中国卫生部,青年人才基金,1995;⑤日本体制研究基金会奖学金 (Health Research Foundation, Kyoto, Japan) ,1990/05-1992/02.




孟凡瑞,卡尔蔡司(上海)管理有限公司,产品专员。南开大学本科毕业后赴加拿大留学,于不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)获得博士学位。攻读博士期间主要从事肿瘤细胞生物学领域研究,应用多种显微成像技术,包括共聚焦及超分辨显微成像技术等。先后发表SCI论文3篇,并有2篇SCI论文在投。



