


时间:2018年04月17日 访问次数:



李校堃院士长期致力于以成纤维细胞生长因子为代表的基因工程蛋白药物的基础研究、工程技术和新药研发、临床应用和转化医学研究,在国际上首次将成纤维细胞生长因子开发为临床药物,率先解决了FGF蛋白成药过程中的系列基因工程技术难题,研制出具有自主知识产权的三个国家生物制品一类新药和一个III类医疗器械,为治疗严重创伤和难愈性溃疡提供了具有主动修复功能的创新药物。在FGFs组织修复和代谢调控方面研究方面,先后在NatureCell MetabCirculationMol Cell等杂志发表SCI论文200篇;出版FGFs及生物药物专著7部;获国家技术发明二等奖、国家科技进步一等奖、二等奖,教育部自然一等奖、何梁何利基金“科学与技术进步奖”及谈家桢生命科学产业化奖等多项




1.   国家科学技术进步二等奖,我国原创细胞生长因子类蛋白药物关键技术突破、理论创新及产业化,李校堃,2018年。编号:2018-J-235-2-01-R01

2.   何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖,2017年。

3.   谈家桢生命科学产业化奖,2017年。

4.   药明康德生命化学研究奖,2017年。

5.   教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学类)一等奖,2017年。

6.   国家科学技术进步一等奖,中国人体表难愈合创面发生新特征与防治的创新理论与关键措施研究,付小兵,程天民,陆树良,李校堃等,2015年。编号:2015-J-253-1-01-D04

7.   浙江省技术发明奖二等奖,提高生长因子类功能蛋白表达量及稳定性的关键技术研究及应用, 李校堃、黄志锋、王晓杰、冯文科、田海山、冯治国,2015年。

8.   中国产学研合作创新奖,2015年。

9.   卫生部突出贡献中青年专家荣誉称号,2012年。 编号:卫生部突贡第201237号

10.  教育部科学技术进步奖(自然科学)二等奖,氧化损伤是导致糖尿病心血管并发症的关键机制,李校堃、谭毅、蔡露、肖健、黄志锋、冯文科、王跃辉、金利泰、林绍强、张弛、林灼峰,2012年

11.  浙江省科学技术一等奖,氧化损伤是导致糖尿病心血管并发症的关键机制,李校堃、谭毅、蔡露、梁广、肖健、胡厚稳、黄志锋、马吉胜、王越晖、金利泰、林绍强、林灼峰,2012年。 编号:1201014-1

12.  国家技术发明二等奖,一类新药重组成纤维细胞生长因子关键工程技术及应用,李校堃 、吴晓萍、冯成利、黄志锋、黄亚东、初彦辉,2009年。编号:2009-F-235-2-01-R01

13.  浙江省科学技术进步奖,三等奖,2009年  编号:0903239

14.  中华医学会科技奖一等奖,一类新药重组成纤维细胞生长因子应用基础与工程技术研究,李校堃、黄亚东、吴晓萍、肖健、苏志坚、黄志锋、曹之舫、王艳萍、谭毅、初彦辉、肖业臣、张翼、冯成利、金利泰、林绍强,2008年。编号:200801158U0601

15.  卫生部“吴阶平医学奖-保罗杨森药学研究奖”二等奖,2008年。

16.  中国药学会科学技术一等奖,基因工程一类新药重组成纤维细胞生长因子(rFGF)系列产品的开发与应用,李校堃、洪岸、黄亚东、冯秀萍、吴晓萍、黄志锋、曹之舫、张士安、曲红艳、肖健、王艳萍,2007年。

17.  国家科学技术进步二等奖,创面延迟愈合发生机制与促愈合基因工程一类新药的研发与应用,付小兵、徐明波、李校堃、盛志勇、孙同柱、陈玉林、孙晓庆、王勇波、沈祖尧、赵冰,2004年。


18.  教育部科技进步一等奖,重组人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子应用与基础研究,李校、洪岸、黄亚东、许华、杨晓明、吴晓萍、赵文、郑青,2003年。



1.   生物制品一类新药,重组人酸性成纤维细胞生长因子(rhaFGF),国药证字S20060078

2.   生物制品一类新药,重组人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(rhbFGF),国药证字(2000)S-06号

3.   生物制品一类新药,重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(rbbFGF),(96)卫药证字S-01号

4.   三类医疗器械, FGF组织工程生物蛋白海绵,国食药监械(准)字2004第3640131号



1.   主编《The Fibroblast Growth Factors》,ISBN: 9787040372571,高等教育出版社,2013年。

2.   主编《生物制药理论与应用》,ISBN: 9787040370935,高等教育出版社,2013年。

3.   主编《生物制药工艺学》,ISBN: 9787502564636,浙江大学出版社,2009。

4.   主编《成纤维细胞生长因子基础与应用研究》,ISBN: 9787560136899,吉林大学出版社,2007。

5.   主编《药物蛋白质分离纯化技术》,ISBN: 9787502564636,化学工业出版社,2005。

6.   主编《基因工程药物的制备原理与应用》,ISBN: 7810792377,暨南大学出版社,2003。

7.   副主编《现代高新技术与创伤修复》,ISBN: 7801574176,人民军医出版社,2002

8.   主编《基因工程药物研究与应用》,ISBN:9787117216678,人民卫生出版社,2016。



1.   国家发明专利(第二发明人:李校堃),成纤维细胞生长因子-1改构体凝胶剂制备及在糖尿病足治疗中的应用,授权专利号:ZL201210430489.7,授权时间:2015年

2.   国家发明专利(第二发明人:李校堃),一种长效型成纤维细胞生长因子-23拮抗剂的开发,授权专利号:ZL201310159797.5,授权时间:2014年。

3.   国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校堃),FGF-21活性测定的方法,授权专利号: ZL201110315550.9,授权时间:2014年。

4.   国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校堃),特异性bFGF结合肽,授权专利号:ZL201110303377.0,授权时间:2014年。

5.   国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校堃),改良的DNA 银氨染色法以及检测DNA的方法,授权专利号:ZL200910170881.0,授权时间:2014年。

6.   国家发明专利(第二发明人:李校堃),制备聚乙二醇化碱性成纤维细胞生长因子的方法,授权专利号:ZL201110261405.7,授权时间:2013年。

7.   国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校堃),特异结合bFGF受体的环肽,授权专利号:ZL201010525955.0,授权时间:2013年。

8.   国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校堃),抑制bFGF诱导的细胞增殖及血管增生的环肽,授权专利号:ZL201010525954.6,授权时间:2012年。

9.   国家发明专利(专利权人:李校堃、王会岩、肖业臣),一种分泌表达重组人成纤维细胞生长因子-21的生产方法,授权专利号:ZL200810223501.0。

10.  国家发明专利(专利权人:温州医学院、李校堃),2β-羟基冬青酸在制备抑制乙肝表面抗原药物中的应用,ZL 200610053749.8。

11.  国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校堃),一种分泌表达重组人角质细胞生长因子-2的制备方法,授权专利号:ZL200810030155.4。

12.  国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校),一种含有重组人角质细胞生长因子-2滴眼液及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL200810030154.X。

13.  国家发明专利(第二发明人:李校),KGF-2的聚乙二醇修饰物及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL200810117834.5。

14.  国家发明专利(第三发明人:李校),一种治疗烧烫伤慢性溃疡的喷雾剂及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL200510094203.2。

15.  国家发明专利专利权人:李校,李校堃、洪岸、付小兵、林剑,促进脊髓组织损伤愈合的海绵材料其制备方法及应用,授权专利号:ZL99100585.6。

16.  国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校),一种含有生物活性因子的阴道喷雾剂,授权专利号:ZL00114296.8。

17.  国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校),分泌表达酸性成纤维细胞生长因子的方法,授权专利号:ZL00114010.8。

18.  国家发明专利(第四发明人:李校),一种用于白癜风的组合物,授权专利号:ZL00117243.3。

19.  国家发明专利(第一发明人:李校堃),人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子植物表达载体的构建及转化表达方法,授权专利号:ZL200710111015.5

20.  国家发明专利(第二发明人:李校堃),一种aFGF脂质体、制备方法及其应用,授权专利号:ZL200810026002.2。

21.  国家发明专利(第二发明人:李校堃),稳定型药物制剂及其制备方法,授权专利号:200910189745.6。

22.  国家发明专利(第二发明人:李校堃),血浆代用品及其制备方法,授权专利号:200910189743.7。




1.   国家自然基金中加合作项目,非促分裂型成纤维细胞生长因子突变体预防糖尿病心肌病及其机制研究,2011.1-2013.12(负责人,45万,已完成)

2.   国家新药创制重大科技专项,治疗糖尿病新药成纤维细胞生长因子21临床前研究,2011.1-2013.12(负责人,361万,验收中)

3.   浙江省重点科技创新团队项目,蛋白药物科技创新团队,2011.4-2015.6(负责人,300万,已完成)

4.   教育部长江学者和创新团队,FGFs药物与糖尿病并发症的药理作用机制和病理生物学研究,2010.1-2012.12(负责人,300万,已完成)

5.   浙江省自然科学基金杰青团队项目,李校堃研究团队,2010.1-2012.12(负责人,30万,已完成)

6.   国家自然基金项目(30870755),脂质微泡靶向递送酸性成纤维细胞生长因子到缺血性心肌研究,2009.1-2011.12(负责人,30万,已完成)

7.   国家自然基金项目(30670747),低氧诱导腺病毒载体诱导bFGF在脑缺血/再灌注损伤中的表达及神经保护作用,2007.1-2009.12(第二负责人,30万,已完成)

8.   国家自然基金项目(30672495),aFGF/Zn 和LDR联用对糖尿病溃疡的治疗作用及其机制研究,2007.1-2008.12(负责人,16万,已完成)

9.   国家973二级子课题(2005CB522603),细胞诱导分化和蛋白重组技术再生皮肤附件和提高愈合质量的理论与应用研究,2006.1-2010.12(负责人,50万,已完成)

10.  Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International(5-2006-382), Diabetic wound healing by topical use of aFGF/Zn and systemic rise of EPCs,2006-2008(Co-PI, $110,000, Completed)

11.  浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(Z205755),应用噬菌体展示技术筛选以成纤维细胞生长因子受体为靶标的活性先导短肽,2006.1-2008.12(负责人,30万,已完成)

12.  国家自然基金重点项目(30230370),创伤愈合中与发育相关的几个重要问题的应用基础研究,2003.1-2005.12(第二负责人,150万,已完成)

13.  国家十五863项目(B17-A),新型非促分裂重组人aFGF改构体研究(2002AA2Z3318),2002.1-2004.12(负责人,84万,已完成)

14.  国家十五生物医药重大专项(2004AA2Z3C60),重组成纤维细胞生长因子改构体的新药研究,2002.1-2005.12(负责人,200万,已完成)

15.  卫生部科学研究基金——浙江省医药卫生重大科技计划项目(WKJ2011-2-010),柔性纳米脂质体介导bFGF经鼻嗅区入脑治疗帕金森病的研究,2011.6-2014.10(负责人,30万,已完成)

16.  浙江省科技计划项目(2005C13019),温郁金规范化种植与新药开发2006.1-2008.12.31 (负责人,330万,已完成)

17.  国家自然科学基金项目(81470999),胰腺产生的FGF21 对机体全身代谢及胰岛细胞功能的作用及其分子机制研究,2015.1-2018.12(负责人,65万,进行中



1.   教育部,国家级特色专业-药学专业,2010-2013(负责人,20万)          

2.   教育部,《生物技术制药》国家精品课程,2010-2013(负责人,20万)          

3.   浙江省教育厅,“药理学与生化药学”浙江省重中之重学科,2008-2012(负责人,4000万)

4.   浙江省教育厅,浙江省重点建设专业药学专业,2008-2010(负责人,30万)     

5.   浙江省教育厅,《生物技术制药》浙江省精品课程,2009-2012(负责人,10万) 

6.   浙江省教育厅,“药理学”浙江省教学团队,2009-2012,负责人

7.   浙江省教育厅,浙江省教学示范中心:药学实验教学中心,2010-2013(负责人,50万)

8.   浙江省财政厅,“生物技术制药工程”浙江省重点实验室,2007-2010(负责人,200万)

9.   浙江省教育厅,《生物制药工艺学》浙江省重点教材,2009-2010(负责人,2万)

10.  浙江省教育厅,浙江省新世纪高等教育教学改革项目,2010-2013(负责人,3万)

11.  浙江省教育厅,“生物制药产学研一体化模式培养创新和高素质人才”浙江省新世纪高等教育教学改革课题,2005-2007(负责人,3万)

12.  浙江省教育厅,浙江省“药学”重中之重一级学科负责人,2013-2018(负责人,1亿)





1.         Wang X, Zhu Y, Sun C, Wang T, Shen Y, Cai W, Sun J, Chi L, Wang H, Song N, Niu C, Shen J, Cong W, Zhu Z, Xuan Y, Li XK, Jin L: Feedback Activation of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling via the Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway in Skin Fibroblasts. Front Pharmacol. 2017 Feb 3;8:32. IF=4.418

2.         Li Z, Wu F, Zhang X, Chai Y, Chen D, Yang Y, Xu K, Yin J, Li R, Shi H, Wang Z, Li XK, Xiao J, Zhang H: Valproate Attenuates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis in SH-SY5Y Cells via the AKT/GSK3β Signaling Pathway. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Feb 8;18(2). pii: E315. IF=3.257

3.   Wang Q, He Y, Zhao Y, Xie H, Lin Q, He Z, Wang X, Li J, Zhang H, Wang C, Gong F, Li XK, Xu H, Ye Q, Xiao J: A Thermosensitive Heparin-Poloxamer Hydrogel Bridges aFGF to Treat Spinal Cord Injury. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Mar 1;9(8):6725-6745.doi: 10.1021/acsami.6b13155.Epub 2017 Feb 20. IF=7.145)一区

4.         Wang H, Yu X, Wang X, Li X, Yang S: Missing in metastasis B, regulated by DNMT1, functions as a putative cancer suppressor in human lung giant-cell carcinoma. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2017 Feb 4:1-8. IF=2.124

5.         Dai X, Yan X, Zeng J, Chen J, Wang Y, Chen J, Li Y, Barati MT, Wintergerst KA, Pan K, Nystoriak MA, Conklin DJ, Rokosh G, Epstein PN, Li XK, Tan Y: Elevating CXCR7 Improves Angiogenic Function of EPCs via Akt/GSK-3β/Fyn-Mediated Nrf2 Activation in Diabetic Limb Ischemia. Circ Res. 2017 Jan 30. pii: CIRCRESAHA.117.310619. IF=11.551)一区

6.         Wang Y, Qian Y, Fang Q, Zhong P, Li W, Wang L, Fu W, Zhang Y, Xu Z, Li XK, Liang G: Saturated palmitic acid induces myocardial inflammatory injuries through direct binding to TLR4 accessory protein MD2.Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 3;8:13997. IF=11.329)一区

7.         Li R, Wu J, Lin Z, Nangle MR, Li Y, Cai P, Liu D, Ye L, Xiao Z, He C, Ye J, Zhang H, Zhao Y, Wang J, Li X, He Y, Ye Q, Xiao J: Single injection of a novel nerve growth factor coacervate improves structural and functional regeneration after sciatic nerve injury in adult rats. Exp Neurol. 2017 Feb;288:1-10.IF=4.657

8.         Chen P, Shen Y, Shi H, Ma X, Lin B, Xiao T, Wu F, Zhu J, Li Z, Xiao J, Li X, Zhang H, Geng F: Gastroprotective effects of Kangfuxin-against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer via attenuating oxidative stress and ER stress in mice. Chem Biol Interact. 2016 Oct 28. pii: S0009-2797(16)30509-9.IF=2.618

9.         Chen T, Gong W, Tian H, Wang H, Chu S, Ma J, Yang H, Cheng J, Liu M, Li X, Jiang C: Fibroblast growth factor 18 promotes proliferation and migration of H460 cells via the ERK and p38 signaling pathways. Oncol Rep. 2017 Feb;37(2):1235-1242.  IF=2.486

10.      Liu Y, Wang M, Tan X, Wang X, Yang X, Xiao J, Li X, Wang F: Negative correlation between cerebrospinal fluid FGF21 levels and BDI scores in male Chinese subjects. Psychiatry Research. 2017 Jan 27;252:111-113. IF=2.466

11.      Tanajak P, Sa-Nguanmoo P, Apaijai N, Wang X, Liang G, Li X, Jiang C, Chattipakorn SC, Chattipakorn N: Comparisons of cardioprotective efficacy between fibroblast growth factor 21 and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor in pre-diabetic rats. Cardiovasc Ther. 2017 Apr 9. doi: 10.1111/1755-5922.12263. IF=2.243

12.      Wu F, Chen Z, Tang C, Zhang J, Cheng L, Zuo H, Zhang H, Chen D, Xiang L, Xiao J, Li X, Xu X, Wei X: Acid fibroblast growth factor preserves blood-brain barrier integrity by activating the PI3K-Akt-Rac1 pathway and inhibiting RhoA following traumatic brain injury. Am J Transl Res. 2017 Mar 15;9(3):910-925. eCollection 2017. IF=3.146

13.      Yan X, Dai X, He L, Ling X, Shao M, Zhang C, Wang Y, Xiao J, Cai L, Li X, Tan Y: A Novel CXCR4 antagonist enhances angiogenesis via modifying the ischaemic tissue environment. J Cell Mol Med. 2017 Apr 4. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.13150. IF=4.938

14.      Xu Z, Li W, Han J, Zou C, Huang W, Yu W, Shan X, Lum H, Li X, Liang G: Angiotensin II induces kidney inflammatory injury and fibrosis through binding to myeloid differentiation protein-2 (MD2). Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 21;7:44911. doi: 10.1038/srep44911. IF=5.228

15.      Zhu ZX, Sun CC, Ting Zhu Y, Wang Y, Wang T, Chi LS, Cai WH, Zheng JY, Zhou X, Cong WT, Li XK, Jin LT: Hedgehog signaling contributes to basic fibroblast growth factor-regulated fibroblast migration. Exp Cell Res. 2017 Mar 28. pii: S0014-4827(17)30181-7. IF=3.378

16.      Xu HL, Yu WZ, Lu CT, Li XK, Zhao YZ: Delivery of growth factor-based therapeutics in vascular diseases: Challenges and strategies. Biotechnol J. 2017 Mar 10.doi:10.1002/biot.201600243. IF=3.781

17.      Wang ZG, Li H, Huang Y, Li R, Wang XF, Yu LX, Guang XQ, Li L, Zhang HY, Zhao YZ, Zhang C, Li XK, Wu RZ, Chu MP, Xiao J: Nerve growth factor-induced Akt/mTOR activation protects the ischemic heart via restoring autophagic flux and attenuating ubiquitinated protein accumulation. Oncotarget. 2017 Jan 17;8(3):5400-5413. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.14284. IF=5.008)一区

18.      Cheng J, Fang Z, Yang H, Li Y, Tian H, Gong W, Chen T, Liu M, Li X, Jiang C: High-Yield of Biologically Active Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-16 in E.coli and Its Mechanism of Proliferation in NCL-H460 Cells. Prep Biochem Biotechnol. 2017 Apr 14. IF=1.114

19.      Wu M, Song N, Cheng J, Zhao Y, Chen N, Ma J, Li X, Jiang C, Wang H:Increased production of human fibroblast growth factor 17 in Escherichia coli and proliferative activity in NIH3T3 cells.Mol Med Rep. 2017 May 11. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2017.6575.  IF=1.559

20.      Ye Y, Chen Q, Li J, Jin L, Zheng J, Li X, Lin Z, Gong F:CXCL16 deficiency attenuates diabetic nephropathy through decreasing hepatic oxidative stress and inflammation.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 May 3. pii: S0006-291X(17)30859-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.05.013. IF=2.371

21.      Lin L, Wang Q, Qian K, Cao Z, Xiao J, Wang X, Li X, Yu Z:bFGF Protects Against Oxygen Glucose Deprivation/Reoxygenation-Induced Endothelial Monolayer Permeability via S1PR1-Dependent Mechanisms.Mol Neurobiol. 2017 May 2. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0544-0. IF=5.397

22.      Wang H, Shao Y, Zhang S, Xie A, Ye Y, Shi L, Jin L, Pan X, Lin Z, Li X, Yang S:CXCL16 deficiency attenuates acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity through decreasing hepatic oxidative stress and inflammation in mice.Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2017 Apr 28:1-9. doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmx040. IF=2.124

23.      Wu F, Wang B, Zhang S, Shi L, Wang Y, Xiong R, Pan X, Gong F, Li X, Lin Z:FGF21 ameliorates diabetic cardiomyopathy by activating the AMPK-paraoxonase 1 signaling axis in mice.Clin Sci (Lond).2017 May 30. pii: CS20170271. doi: 10.1042/CS20170271.IF=5.016

24.      Li R, Ma J, Wu Y, Nangle M, Zou S, Li Y, Yin J, Zhao Y, Xu H, Zhang H, Li X, Ye QS, Wang J, Xiao J:Dual Delivery of NGF and bFGF Coacervater Ameliorates Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy via Inhibiting Schwann Cells Apoptosis.Int J Biol Sci. 2017 May 16;13(5):640-651. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.18636. eCollection 2017. IF=3.982

25.      Tan XH, Zheng XM, Yu LX, He J, Zhu HM, Ge XP, Ren XL, Ye FQ, Bellusci S, Xiao J, Li XK, Zhang JS:Fibroblast growth factor 2 protects against renal ischaemia/reperfusion injury by attenuating mitochondrial damage and proinflammatory signalling.J Cell Mol Med. 2017 May 24. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.13203. IF=4.938






26.      Ye LB, Yu XC, Xia QH, Yang Y, Chen DQ, Wu F, Wei XJ, Zhang X, Zheng BB5, Fu XB, Xu HZ, Li XK, Xiao J*, Zhang HY*: Erratum to: Regulation of Caveolin-1 and Junction Proteins by bFGF Contributes to the Integrity of Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier and Functional Recovery. Neurotherapeutics. 2016 Dec 1. [Epub ahead of print]  (IF=4.676)

27.      Lin X, Zhao LC, Tang SL, Zhou Q, Lin QT, Li XK, Zheng H, Gao HC: Metabolic effects of basic fibroblast growth factor in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: A 1H NMR-based metabolomics investigation. Sci Rep. 2016, 6: 36474.  (IF=5.228)

28.      Wang ZG, Huang Y, Cheng Y, Tan Y, Wu FZ, Wu JM, Shi HX, Zhang HY, Yu XC, Gao HC, Lin L, Cai J, Zhang JS, Li XK, Cai L*, Xiao J*: Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuronal inflammatory response and apoptosis likely plays a key role in the development of diabetic encephalopathy. Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 26.  (IF=5.008)

29.      Ye LB, Yu XC, Xia QH, Yang Y, Chen DQ, Wu F, Wei XJ, Zhang X, Zheng BB, Fu XB, Xu HZ, Li XK, Xiao J*, Zhang HY*.Regulation of Caveolin-1 and Junction Proteins by bFGF Contributes to the Integrity of Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier and Functional Recovery. Neurotherapeutics. 2016 May 11.[Epub ahead of print]

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31.      Wu FL, Liu WY, Van Poucke S, Braddock M, Jin WM, Xiao J, Li XK*, Zheng MH*: Targeting endoplasmic reticulum stress in liver disease. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016, 10(9): 1041-52.  IF=2.796

32.      Sa-Nguanmoo P, Tanajak P, Kerdphoo S, Satjaritanun P, Wang X, Liang G, Li XK, Jiang C, Pratchayasakul W, Chattipakorn N, Chattipakorn SC*: FGF21 improves cognition by restored synaptic plasticity, dendritic spine density, brain mitochondrial function and cell apoptosis in obese-insulin resistant male rats. Horm Behav. 2016, 85: 86-95.  (IF=3.34)  二区

33.      Wu J, Li Y, He C, Kang J, Ye J, Xiao Z, Zhu J, Chen A, Li XK, Xiao J*, Xian M*, Wang Q*. Novel H2S Releasing Nano-fibrous Coating for In Vivo Dermal Wound Regeneration. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016 Aug 9. accepted.  IF=7.145 一区

34.      Liu YL#, Zhao CQ#, Xiao J#, Liu L, Zhang M, Wang C, Wu G, Zheng MH, Xu LM, Chen YP, Mohammadi M, Chen SY, Cave M, McClain C, Li XK, Feng WK*: Fibroblast growth factor 21 deficiency exacerbates chronic alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis and injury. Sci Rep. 2016, 6: 31026.  (IF=5.228)  二区

35.      Skibba M, Qian Y, Bao Y, Lan J, Peng K, Zhao Y, Zhong P, Hu J, Li XK*, Liang G*. New EGFR inhibitor, 453, prevents renal fibrosis in angiotensin II-stimulated mice. Eur J Pharmacol. 2016, 789: 421-430.  (IF=2.73)

36.      Wu J, Zhu J, He C, Xiao Z, Ye J, Li Y, Chen A, Zhang H, Li XK, Lin L, Zhao Y*, Zheng J*, Xiao J*. Comparative Study of Heparin-Poloxamer Hydrogel Modified bFGF and aFGF for in Vivo Wound Healing Efficiency. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016, 8(29): 18710-21.  IF=7.145 一区

37.      Shi HX, Lin BB, Huang Y, Wu J, Zhang HY, Cai L, Wang ZG, Zhu JJ, Zhao YZ, Fu X, Lou ZC,* Li XK*, Xiao J*: Basic fibroblast growth factor promotes melanocyte migration via activating PI3K/Akt-Rac1-FAK-JNK and ERK signaling pathways. IUBMB Life. 2016, 68(9): 735-47.  (IF=2.653)

38.      Wang C, Chen X, Wu Y, Li H, Wang Y, Pan X, Tang T, Liu Z, Li XK: Lateral flow strip for visual detection of K-ras mutations based on allele-specific PCR. Biotechnol Lett. 2016, 38(10): 1709-14.  (IF=1.639)

39.      Quantius J, Schmoldt C, Vazquez-Armendariz AI, Becker C, El Agha E, Wilhelm J, Morty RE, Vadász , Mayer K, Gattenloehner S, Fink L, Matrosovich M, Li XK, Seeger W, Lohmeyer J, Bellusci S, Herold S*: Influenza Virus Infects Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells of the Distal Lung: Impact on Fgfr2b-Driven Epithelial Repair. PLoS Pathog. 2016, 12(6): e1005544.   (IF=7.003)  一区

40.      Liu M, Chu S, Ai J, Li H, Chen Z, Huang S, Jiang C, Li XK. Application of oleosin-flanked keratinocyte growth factor-2 expressed from Arabidopsis thaliana promotes hair follicle growth in mice. Biotechnol Lett. 2016 Sep;38(9):1611-9.  (IF=1.639)

41.      Cheng P, Zhang F, Yu L, Lin X, He L, Li XK, Lu X, Yan X, Tan Y, Zhang C. Physiological and Pharmacological Roles of FGF21 in Cardiovascular Diseases. J Diabetes Res. 2016, 2016: 1540267.  IF=2.431

42.      Wu J, Ye J, Zhu J, Xiao Z, He C, Shi H, Wang Y, Lin C, Zhang H, Zhao Y, Fu X, Chen H, Li XK, Li L*, Zheng J*, Xiao J*. Heparin-Based Coacervate of FGF2 Improves Dermal Regeneration by Asserting a Synergistic Role with Cell Proliferation and Endogenous Facilitated VEGF for Cutaneous Wound Healing. Biomacromolecules. 2016 Jun 13;17(6):2168-77.   IF=5.583)一区

43.      Zhou Y#, Ye L#, Zheng B, Zhu S, Shi H, Zhang H, Wang Z, Wei X, Chen D, Li XK, Xu H, Xiao J*: Phenylbutyrate prevents disruption of blood-spinal cord barrier by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress after spinal cord injury. Am J Transl Res. 2016, 8(4): 1864-75. (IF=3.402)

44.      Xu N, Wang Y,Ma J, Jin L,Xing S, Jiang C, Li XK: Over-expression of fHbp in Arabdopsis for development of meningococcal serogroup B subunit vaccine. Biotechnol J. 2016 Apr 27. accepted. (IF=3.49)

45.      Tanajak P, Sa-Nguanmoo P, Wang X, Liang G, Li XK, Jiang C, Chattipakorn SC, Chattipakorn N*: FGF21 therapy attenuates left ventricular dysfunction and metabolic disturbance by improving FGF21 sensitivity, cardiac mitochondrial redox homeostasis and structural changes in pre-diabetic rats. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2016 Apr 27. accepted.  (IF=4.382)

46.      Ye LB, Yu XC, Xia QH, Yang Y, Chen DQ, Wu F, Wei XJ, Zhang X, Zheng BB, Fu XB, Xu HZ, Li XK, Xiao J*, Zhang HY*: Regulation of Caveolin-1 and Junction Proteins by bFGF Contributes to the Integrity of Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier and Functional Recovery. Neurotherapeutics. 2016 May 11. accepted.  IF=4.676)二区

47.      Luo W, Song L, Chen XL, Zeng XF, Wu JZ, Zhu CR, Huang T, Tan XP, Lin XM, Yang Q, Wang JZ, Li XK, Wu XP*: Identification of galectin-1 as a novel mediator for chemoresistance in chronic myeloid leukemia cells. Oncotarget. 2016 May 3;7(18):26709-23.  (IF=5.008)  一区

48.      Zheng Y, Yang Y, Dong B, Zheng H, Lin X, Du Y, Li X, Zhao L*, Gao H*: Metabonomic profiles delineate potential role of glutamate-glutamine cycle in db/db mice with diabetes-associated cognitive decline. Mol Brain. 2016, 9: 40.  (IF=4.902)   二区

49.      Li W, Fang Q, Zhong P, Chen L, Wang L, Zhang Y, Wang J, Li XK, Wang Y, Wang J*, Liang G*: EGFR Inhibition Blocks Palmitic Acid-induced inflammation in cardiomyocytes and Prevents Hyperlipidemia-induced Cardiac Injury in Mice. Sci Rep. 2016, 6: 24580.  (IF=5.228)  二区

50.      Charoenphandhu N, Suntornsaratoon P, Krishnamra N, Sa-Nguanmoo P, Tanajak P, Wang X, Liang G, Li XK, Jiang C, Chattipakorn N, Chattipakorn S*: Fibroblast growth factor-21 restores insulin sensitivity but induces aberrant bone microstructure in obese insulin-resistant rats. J Bone Miner Metab. 2016, accepted.IF=2.46)三区

51.      Qian YY, Zhang Y, Zhong P,Peng K, Xu Z, Chen X, Lu K, Chen G, Li XK, Liang G*: Inhibition of inflammation and oxidative stress by an imidazopyridine derivative X22 prevents heart injury from obesity. J Cell Mol Med. 2016, accepted.IF=4.014)二区

52.      Fang Q, Zou C, Zhong P, Lin F, Li W, Wang L, Zhang Y, Zheng C, Wang Y, Li XK, Liang G*: EGFR mediates hyperlipidemia-induced renal injury via regulating inflammation and oxidative stress: the detrimental role and mechanism of EGFR activation. Oncotarget. 2016, accepted. (IF=6.359) 二区

53.      Zhao YZ, Zhang M, Wong HL, Tian XQ, Zheng L, Yu XC, Tian FR, Mao KL, Fan ZL, Chen PP, Li XK*, Lu CT*: Prevent diabetic cardiomyopathy in diabetic rats by combined therapy of aFGF-loaded nanoparticles and ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruction technique. J Control Release. 2016 , 223: 11-21. (IF=7.705) 一区

54.      Chu MP, Qin S, Wu R, Zhou X, Tang X, Zhang S, Zhao Q, Wang HT, Liu Y, Han XH, Xiao J, Li XK, Zhang CX*: Role of MiR-126a-3p in Endothelial Injury in Endotoxic Mice. Crit Care Med. 2016, accepted. (IF=6.312) 一区

55.      Chen GZ, Zhang YL, Liu X, Fang QL, Wang Z, Fu LL, Liu ZG, Wang Y, Zhao YJ, Li XK, Liang G*: Discovery of a New Inhibitor of Myeloid Differentiation 2 from Cinnamamide Derivatives with Anti-Inflammatory Activity in Sepsis and Acute Lung Injury. J Med Chem. 2016, accepted. (IF=5.447) 二区

56.      Li W, Du X, Chen Q, Kang Y, Xu C, Fan L, Ye H, Ying S, Shi L, Jin R, Wu J, Liang G, Li XK: Peptidomimetic suppresses proliferation and invasion of gastric cancer cells by fibroblast growth factor 2 signaling cascade blockage. Anticancer Drugs. 2016, 27(3): 164-72. (IF 1.784) 三区

57.      Zheng BB, Ye LB, Zhou YL, Zhu SP, Wang QQ, Shi HX, Chen DQ, Wei XJ, Wang Z, Li XK, Xiao J, Xu HZ, Zhang HY*: Epidermal growth factor attenuates blood-spinal cord barrier disruption via PI3K/Akt/Rac1 pathway after acute spinal cord injury. J Cell Mol Med. 2016. (IF 4.014) 二区

58.      Li XK, Wang C*, Xiao J, McKeehan WL, Wang F*: Fibroblast growth factors, old kids on the new block. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2016, pii: S1084-9521(15)30028-8. (IF 6.265) 二区

59.      Peng K, Tian X, Qian Y, Skibba M, Zou C, Liu Z, Wang J, Xu Z, Li XK, Liang G*: Novel EGFR inhibitors attenuate cardiac hypertrophy induced by angiotensin II. J Cell Mol Med. 2016, 20(3): 482-94.  (IF 4.014) 二区

60.      Chen N, Ma J, Zhao Y, Wu M, Yang H, Gong W, Jiang C*, Li XK: Expression of functional recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 8b and its protective effects on MPP+-lesioned PC12 cells. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016, 100(2): 625-35.  (IF 3.337)  二区

61.      Huang ZF, Marsiglia WM, Basu Roy U, Rahimi N, Ilghari D, Wang H, Chen H, Gai W, Blais S, Neubert TA, Mansukhani A, Traaseth NJ, Li XK, Mohammadi M.Two FGF Receptor Kinase Molecules Act in Concert to Recruit and Transphosphorylate Phospholipase Cγ. Mol Cell. 2016. 61(1):98-110.  (IF 14.018)一区






62.      Ye L, Yang Y, Zhang X, Cai P, Li R, Chen D, Wei X, Zhang X, Xu H, Xiao J, Li XK*, Lin L*, Zhang HY*: The Role of bFGF in the Excessive Activation of Astrocytes Is Related to the Inhibition of TLR4/NFκB Signals. Int J Mol Sci. 2015. 17(1).  (IF 2.862) 三区

63.      Zhou YL, Zhang HY, Zheng BB, Ye LB, Zhu SP, Johnson NR, Wang ZG, Wei XJ, Chen DQ, Cao GD, Fu XB, Li XK, Xu HZ, Xiao J*: Retinoic Acid Induced-Autophagic Flux Inhibits ER-Stress Dependent Apoptosis and Prevents Disruption of Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier after Spinal Cord Injury. Int J Biol Sci. 2016. 12(1): 87-99.  (IF 4.509) 三区

64.      Zheng H, Zhao LC, Xia H, Xu C, Wang D, Liu K, Lin L, Li XK, Yan ZH*, Gao HC*: NMR-Based Metabolomics Reveal a Recovery from Metabolic Changes in the Striatum of 6-OHDA-Induced Rats Treated with Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor. Mol Neurobiol. 2015, accepted. (IF 5.137) 二区

65.      Tian HS, Zhao Y, Chen N, Wu M, Gong W, Zheng J, Fernig DG, Jungbauer A, Wang D, Li XK, Jiang C*: High production in E. coli of biologically active recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 20 and its neuroprotective effects. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015, accepted.  (IF 3.337) 二区

66.      Zhao HY, Wu J, Zhu JJ, Xiao ZC, He CC, Shi HX, Li XK, Yang SL, Xiao J*: Research Advances in Tissue Engineering Materials for Sustained Release of Growth Factors. Biomed Res Int. 2015, 2015: 808202.  (IF 1.579)

67.      Li W, Du X, Chen Q, Kang Y, Xu C, Fan L, Ye H, Ying S, Shi L, Jin R*, Wu J, Liang G, Li XK: Peptidomimetic suppresses proliferation and invasion of gastric cancer cells by fibroblast growth factor 2 signaling cascade blockage. Anticancer Drugs. 2015, accepted. (IF 1.784) 三区

68.      Liu X, Dong Y, Yao N, Zhang Y, Wang N, Cui X, Li X, Wang Y, Wang F, Yang J, Guan L, Du L, Li H, Li XK*: De Novo Sequencing and Analysis of the Safflower Transcriptome to Discover Putative Genes Associated with Safflor Yellow in Carthamus tinctorius L. Int J Mol Sci. 2015, 16(10): 25657-77. (IF 2.862) 三区

69.      Huang J, Yang J, Guan L, Yi S, Du L, Tian H, Guo Y, Zhai F, Lu Z, Li H, Li XK*, Jiang C*: Expression of bioactive recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 10 in Carthamus tinctorius L.seeds. Protein Expr Purif. 2015, pii: S1046-5928(15)30066-8.  (IF 1.695)

70.      Zhao HY, Wu J, Zhu JJ, Xiao ZC, He CC, Shi HX, Li XK, Yang SL*, Xiao J*: Research Advances in Tissue Engineering Materials for Sustained Release of Growth Factors. Biomed Res Int. 2015, 2015: 808202. (IF 1.579)

71.      Zhu SP, Wang ZG, Zhao YZ, Wu J, Shi HX, Ye LB, Wu FZ, Cheng Y, Zhang HY, He S, Wei X, Fu XB, Li XK, Xu HZ*, Xiao J*: Gelatin Nanostructured Lipid Carriers Incorporating Nerve Growth Factor Inhibit Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis and Improve Recovery in Spinal Cord Injury. Mol Neurobiol. 2015, accepted. (IF 5.137) 二区

72.      Singh SK, Chen NM, Hessmann E, Siveke J, Lahmann M, Singh G, Voelker N, Vogt S, Esposito I, Schmidt A, Brendel C, Stiewe T, Gaedcke J, Mernberger M*, Crawford HC, Bamlet WR, Zhang JS, Li XK, Smyrk TC, Billadeau DD, Hebrok M, Neesse A, Koenig A, Ellenrieder V. Antithetical NFATc1-Sox2 and p53-miR200 signaling networks govern pancreatic cancer cell plasticity. EMBO J. 2015, 34(4):517-30. (IF 10.434)

73.      Zhang F, Yu L, Lin X, Cheng P, He L, Li XK, Lu X, Tan Y, Yang H, Cai L*, Zhang C*: Minireview: Roles of fibroblast growth factors 19 and 21 in metabolic regulation and chronic diseases. Mol Endocrinol. 2015, 29(10): 1400-13  (IF 4.022) 二区

74.      Yi S, Yang J, Huang J, Guan L, Du L, Guo Y, Zhai F, Wang Y, Lu Z, Wang L, Li H, Li XK*, Jiang C*: Expression of bioactive recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 9 in oil bodies of Arabidopsis thaliana. Protein Expr Purif. 2015, 116: 127-32.  (IF 1.695)

75.      Zheng L, Hui Q, Tang L, Zheng LL, Jin Z, Yu BJ, Wang ZT, Lin P, Yu WD, Li HY*, Li XK*, Wang XJ*: TAT-Mediated Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor Delivery to the Dermis Improves Wound Healing of Deep Skin Tissue in Rat. PLoS One. 2015, 10(8): e0135291. (IF 3.234) 二区

76.      Zhao C, Liu Y, Xiao J, Liu L, Chen S, Mohammadi M, McClain CJ, Li XK*, Feng WK*: FGF21 Mediates Alcohol-Induced Adipose Tissue Lipolysis by Activation of Systemic Release of Catecholamine in Mice. J Lipid Res. 2015, 56(8): 1481-91. (IF=4.421) 二区

77.      Shi H, Cheng Y, Ye J, Cai P, Zhang J, Li R, Yang Y, Wang Z, Zhang H, Lin C, Lu X, Jiang L, Hu A, Zhu X, Zeng Q, Fu X, Li XK*, Xiao J*: bFGF Promotes the Migration of Human Dermal Fibroblasts under Diabetic Conditions through Reactive Oxygen Species Production via the PI3K/Akt-Rac1- JNK Pathways. Int J Biol Sci. 2015, 11(7): 845-59. (IF=4.509) 三区

78.      Yan X, Chen J, Zhang C, Zeng J, Zhou S, Zhang Z, Lu X, Chen J, Feng W, Li XK, Tan Y*: Fibroblast growth factor 21 deletion aggravates diabetes-induced pathogenic changes in the aorta in type 1 diabetic mice. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2015, 14(1): 77.(IF=4.015) 三区

79.      Cheng Y, Zhang J, Deng L, Johnson NR, Yu X, Zhang N, Lou T, Zhang Y, Wei X, Chen Z, He S, Li XK*, Xiao J*: Intravenously delivered neural stem cells migrate into ischemic brain, differentiate and improve functional recovery after transient ischemic stroke in adult rats. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015, 8(3): 2928-36.(IF=1.891)

80.      Zhang C, Huang Z, Gu J, Yan X, Lu X, Zhou S, Wang S, Shao M, Zhang F, Cheng P, Feng W, Tan Y*, Li XK*: Fibroblast growth factor 21 protects the heart from apoptosis in a diabetic mouse model via extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2-dependent signalling pathway. Diabetologia. 2015, 58(8): 1937-48. (IF=6.671) 一区

81.      Cai J, Dou G, Zheng L, Yang T, Jia X, Tang L, Huang Y, Wu WC*, Li XK, Wang X: Pharmacokinetics of topically applied recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor-2 in alkali-burned and intact rabbit eye. Exp Eye Res. 2015, 136: 93-9.(IF=2.709)

82.      Shao ML, Yu LC, Zhang FF, Lu XM, Li XK, Cheng P, Lin XF, He LQ, Jin SZ, Tan Y, Yang H, Zhang C, Cai L*: Additive protection by LDR and FGF21 treatment against diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes model. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2015, 309(1): E45-54. (IF=3.785) 二区

83.      Wang DZ, Ma JS, Sun DF, Li HY, Jiang C*, Li XK*: Expression of bioactive anti-CD20 antibody fragments and induction of ER stress response in Arabidopsis seeds. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015. 99(16): 6753-64. (IF=3.337) 二区

84.      Fan L, Li WL, Ying SL, Shi LY, Wang Z, Chen GZ, Ye H, Wu XP*, Wu JZ*, Liang G, Li XK: A peptide derivative serves as a fibroblast growth factor 2 antagonist in human gastric cancer. Tumour Biol. 2015 , 36(9): 7233-41.IF=3.611

85.      Yang J, Guan Ll, Guo YX, Du LN, Wang FW, Wang YF, Zhen L, Wang QM, Zou DY, Chen W, Yu L*, Li HY*, Li XK*: Expression of biologically recombinant human acidic fibroblast growth factor in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds via oleosin fusion technology. Gene. 2015, 566(1): 89-94. (IF=2.138)

86.      Wu JZ, Wei T, Tang QQ, Weng BX, Li WL, Jiang X, Ding T, Li XK, Liang G, Cai YP*, Ji JS*: Discovery and anti-cancer evaluation of two novel non-ATP-competitive FGFR1 inhibitors in non-small-cell lung cancer. BMC Cancer. 2015, 15(1): 276. (IF=3.362)

87.      Yan XQ, Chen J, Zhang C, Zhou SS, Zhang ZG, Chen J, Feng WK, Li XK, Tan Y*: FGF21 deletion exacerbates diabetic cardiomyopathy by aggravating cardiac lipid accumulation. J Cell Mol Med. 2015. 19(7): 1557-68. (IF=4.014) 二区

88.      MacKenzie B, Henneke I, Hezel S, Al Alam D, El Agha E, Chao CM, Quantius J, Wilhelm J, Jones M, Goth K, Li XK, Seeger W, Königshoff M, Herold S, Rizvanov AA, Günther A, Bellusci S*: Attenuating endogenous Fgfr2b ligands during bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis does not compromise murine lung repair. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2015, 308(10): L1014-24. (IF=4.08)  二区

89.      Xu CC, Li WL, Qiu PH, Xia YQ, Du XJ, Wang F, Shen LL, Chen QX, Zhao YJ, Jin R, Wu JZ, Liang G and Li XK: The therapeutic potential of a novel non-ATP-competitive fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 inhibitor on gastric cancer. Anti-cancer Drugs. 2015, 26(4): 379-87. (IF=1.784)

90.      Lin WH, Xiang LJ, Shi HX, Zhang J, Jiang LP, Cai PT, Lin ZL, Lin BB, Huang Y, Zhang HL, Fu XB, Guo DJ, Li XK, Wang XJ*, Xiao J*: Fibroblast growth factors stimulate hair growth through β-catenin and Shh expression in C57BL/6 mice. Biomed Res Int. 2015, 2015: 730139. (IF=1.579)

91.      Xiao J, Wang YD, Bellusci S, Li XK*: Pharmacological application of growth factors: basic and clinical. Biomed Res Int. 2015, 2015: 141794. (IF=1.579)

92.      Huang ZF, Tan L, Wang HY, Liu Y, Blais S, Deng JJ, Neubert TA, Gray NS, Li XK*, Mohammadi M*: DFG-out Mode of Inhibition by an Irreversible Type-1 Inhibitor Capable of Overcoming Gate-Keeper Mutations in FGF Receptors. ACS Chem Biol. 2015, 10(1): 299-309. (IF=5.331) 二区

93.      Lin ZF, Pan XB, Wu F, Ye DW, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Jin LG, Lian QZ, Huang Y, Ding H, Triggle C, Wang K, Li XK*, Xu AM*: Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Prevents Atherosclerosis by Suppression of Hepatic Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein-2 and Induction of Adiponectin in Mice. Circulation. 2015, 131(21): 1861-71.  (IF=14.43) 一区

94.      Qian YY, Zhong P, Liang DD, Xu Z, Skibba M, Zeng CL, Li XK, Wei TM, Wu LP, Liang G*: A Newly Designed Curcumin Analog Y20 Mitigates Cardiac Injury via Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant Actions in Obese Rats. PLoS One. 2015, 10(3): e0120215. (IF=3.234 )二区

95.      Liang DD, Zhong P, Hu J, Lin F, Qian YY, Xu Z, Wang JY, Zeng CL, Li XK, Liang G*: EGFR inhibition protects cardiac damage and remodeling through attenuating oxidative stress in STZ-induced diabetic mouse model. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015, 82: 63-74. (IF=4.655) 二区

96.      Zhao HY, Zhao CQ, Dong YY, Zhang M, Wang YH, Li FY, Li XK, McClain C, Yang SL*, Feng WK*: Inhibition of miR122a by Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG culture supernatant increases intestinal occludin expression and protects mice from alcoholic liver disease. Toxicol Lett. 2015, 234(3): 194-200. (IF=3.262) 二区

97.      Jia XC, Tian HS, Tang L, Zheng LL, Zheng L, Yang T, Yu BJ, Wang ZT, Lin P, Li XK*, Wang XJ*: High-Efficiency Expression of TAT-bFGF Fusion Protein in Escherichia coli and the Effect on Hypertrophic Scar Tissue. PLoS One. 2015, 10(2): e0117448. (IF=3.234) 二区

98.      Wang ZG, Cheng Y, Yu XC, Ye LB, Xia QH, Johnson NR, Wei X, Chen DQ, Cao G, Fu XB, Li XK, Zhang HY*, Xiao J*: bFGF Protects Against Blood-Brain Barrier Damage Through Junction Protein Regulation via PI3K-Akt-Rac1 Pathway Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Mol Neurobiol. 2015, accepted. (IF=5.137)

99.      Wang ZG, Wang Y, Ye JM, Lu XH, Cheng Y, Xiang LJ, Chen L, Feng WK, Shi HX, Yu XC, Lin L, Zhang HY, Xiao J*, Li XK*: bFGF attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial injury on myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion via activation of PI3K/Akt/ERK1/2 pathway. J Cell Mol Med. 2015, 19(3): 595-607. (IF=4.014) 二区

100.  Huang T, Lin XM, Li QC, Luo W, Song L, Tan XP, Wang WH, Li XK, Wu XP*: Selection of a novel FGF23-binding peptide antagonizing the inhibitory effect of FGF23 on phosphate uptake. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015, 99(7): 3169-77. (IF=3.337) 二区

101.  Guo CM, Kaneko S, Sun Y, Huang YC, Vlodavsky I, Li XK, Li ZR*, Li X*: A mouse model of urofacial syndrome with dysfunctional urination. Hum Mol Genet. 2015, 24(7): 1991-9. (IF=6.393) 二区




102.  Chen G, Weng Q, Fu L, Wang Z, Yu P, Liu Z, Li XK, Zhang H, Liang G*: Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel oxindole-based RTK inhibitors as anti-cancer agents. Bioorg Med Chem. 2014. 22(24): 6953-60. 2014.  (IF=2.42)

103.  Wang Y, Wang H, Ren L, Weng Q, Bao Y, Tian H, Yang YG*, Li XK*: Non-mitogenic form of acidic fibroblast growth factor protects against graft-versus-host disease without accelerating leukemia. Int Immunopharmacol. 2014, 23(2): 395-9. (IF=2.472)

104.  Sun Y, Kaneko S, Li XK, Li X: The PI3K/Akt signal hyperactivates Eya1 via the SUMOylation pathway. Oncogene. 2014. (IF=8.459) 二区

105.  Zhu W, Wang C, Liu L, Li Y, Li XK, Cai J*, Wang H*: Effects of fibroblast growth factor 21 on cell damage in vitro and atherosclerosis in vivo. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2014, 92(11): 927-35. (IF=1.77)

106.  Wan XS, Lu XH, Xiao YC, Lin Y, Zhu H, Ding T, Yang Y, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Liu YL, Xu ZM, Xiao J*, Li XK*: ATF4- and CHOP-dependent induction of FGF21 through endoplasmic reticulum stress. Biomed Res Int. 2014, 2014:807874. (IF=1.579)

107.  Fan L, Xie H, Chen L, Ye H, Ying S, Wang C, Wu X, Li W*, Wu J*, Liang G, Li XK: A novel FGF2 antagonist peptide P8 with potent antiproliferation activity. Tumor Biol. 2014, 35(10): 10571- 10579.  (IF=3.611)

108.  Wu J, Ji J, Weng B, Qiu P, Kanchana K, Wei T, Wang Y, Cai Y, Li XK, Liang G*: Discovery of novel non-ATP competitive FGFR1 inhibitors and evaluation of their anti-tumor activity in non-small cell lung cancer in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget. 2014, 5(12): 4543-53.  (IF=6.359)

109.  Zhao YZ, Tian XQ, Zhang M, Cai L, Ru A, Shen XT, Jiang X, Jin RR, Zheng L, Hawkins K, Charkrabarti S, Li XK*, Lin Q, Yu WZ, Ge S*, Lu CT*, Wong HL*: Functional and pathological improvements of the hearts in diabetes model by the combined therapy of bFGF-loaded nanoparticles with ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruction. J Control Release. 2014, 186: 22-31. (IF=7.705)二区

110.  Zhang H, Wu F, Kong X, Yang J, Chen H, Deng L, Cheng Y, Ye L, Zhu S, Zhang X, Wang Z, Shi H, Fu X, Li XK, Xu H, Lin L, Xiao J*: Nerve growth factor improves functional recovery by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuronal apoptosis in rats with spinal cord injury. J Transl Med. 2014, 12(1):130. (IF=3.93)

111.  Lin Z, Wu F, Lin S, Pan X, Jin L, Lu T, Shi L, Wang Y, Xu AM*, Li XK*: Adiponectin protects against acetaminophen-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and acute liver injury by promoting autophagy in mice. J Hepatol. 2014, 61(4):825-31. (IF=11.336) 一区

112.  Pan Y, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Peng K, Li W, Wang Y, Zhang J, Zhou S, Liu Q, Li XK, Cai L*, Liang G*: Inhibition of JNK phosphorylation by a novel curcumin analog prevents high glucose-induced inflammation and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes and the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Diabetes. 2014, 63(10): 3497-511. (IF=8.095) 一区

113.  Pan X, Lu T, Wu F, Jin L, Zhang Y, Shi L, Li XK, Lin Z*: Circulating complement-C1q TNF-related protein 1 levels are increased in patients with type 2 diabetes and are associated with insulin sensitivity in Chinese subjects. PLoS One. 2014, 9(5): e94478. (IF=3.234)

114.  Chen B, Chen D, Jiang Z, Li J, Liu S, Dong Y, Yao W, Akingbemi B, Ge R, Li XK*: Effects of estradiol and methoxychlor on leydig cell regeneration in the adult rat testis. Int J Mol Sci. 2014, 15(5): 7812-26. (IF=2.862)

115.  Song L, Zhu Y, Wang H, Belov AA, Niu J, Shi L, Xie Y, Ye C, Li XK*, Huang Z*A solid-phase PEGylation strategy for protein therapeutics using a potent FGF21 analog. Biomaterials. 2014, 35(19): 5206-15.IF=8.557)一区

116.  Shao M, Lu X, Cong W, Xing X, Tan Y, Li Y, Li XK, Jin L, Wang X, Dong J, Jin S, Zhang C*, Cai L: Multiple Low-Dose Radiation Prevents Type 2 Diabetes-Induced Renal Damage through Attenuation of Dyslipidemia and Insulin Resistance and Subsequent Renal Inflammation and Oxidative Stress. PLoS One. 2014, 9(3): e92574.IF=3.234

117.  Lian Z*, Yin X*, Li H, Jia L, He X, Yan Y, Liu N, Wan K, Li XK, Lin S: Synergistic Effect of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Platelet-Rich Plasma in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Ann Dermatol. 2014, 26(1): 1-10.IF=1.393

118.  Cong W, Zhao T, Zhu Z, Huang B, Ma W, Wang Y, Tan Y, Chakrabarti S, Li XK, Jin L*, Cai L*: Metallothionein prevents cardiac pathological changes in diabetes by modulating nitration and inactivation of cardiac ATP synthase. J Nutr Biochem. 2014, 25(4): 463-74.IF=3.794

119.  Zhang X, Cao R, Liu R, Zhao R, Huang Y, Gurley EC, Hylemon PB, Pandak WM, Wang G*, Zhang L, Li XK, Zhou H*: Reduction of the HIV Protease Inhibitor-Induced ER Stress and Inflammatory Response by Raltegravir in Macrophages. PLoS One. 2014, 9(3): e90856.IF=3.234

120.  Xiao J, Li J, Cai L, Chakrabarti S, Li XK*: Cytokines and diabetes research. Exp Diabetes Res. 2014, 2014: 920613.IF=4.325

121.  Zhang X, Xie J, Sun Y, Xu H, Du T, Liu Z, Chen J, Zheng Z, Liu K, Zhang J, Kan M, Li XK*, Xiao Y*: High-level expression, purification, and characterization of bifunctional ScFv-9R fusion protein. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014, 98(12): 5499-506. IF=3.337

122.  Liu Y, Ma Z, Zhao C, Wang Y, Wu G, Xiao J, McClain CJ, Li XK, Feng W*: HIF-1α and HIF-2α are critically involved in hypoxia-induced lipid accumulation in hepatocytes through reducing PGC-1α-mediated fatty acid β-oxidation. Toxicol Lett. 2014, 226(2): 117-23.IF=3.262

123.  Zhao L, Wu F, Jin L, Lu T, Yang L, Pan X, Shao C, Li XK, Lin Z*: Serum CXCL16 as a Novel Marker of Renal Injury in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. PLoS One. 2014, 9(1): e87786.IF=3.234

124.  Xue P, Zhu X, Shi J, Fu H, Zhang J, Liu M, Jiang C*, Li XK*: Highly efficient expression of functional recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor 1 and its protective effects on hepatocytes. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014, 98(9): 3933-45. (IF=3.337

125.  Zhang H, Gong Y, Wang Z, Jiang L, Chen R, Fan X, Zhu H, Han L, Li XK, Xiao J*, Kong X*: Apelin inhibits the proliferation and migration of rat PASMCs via the activation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signal and the inhibition of autophagy under hypoxia. J Cell Mol Med. 2014, 18(3): 542-53.IF=4.014

126.  Niu J, Zhu Y, Xie Y, Song L, Shi L, Lan J, Liu B, Li XK, Huang Z*: Solid-phase polyethylene glycol conjugation using hydrophobic interaction chromatography. J Chromatogr A. 2014, 1327: 66-72. IF=4.169)二区

127.  Zhao YZ, Li X, Lu CT, Lin M, Chen LJ, Xiang Q, Zhang M, Jin RR, Jiang X, Shen XT, Li XK, Cai J. Gelatin nanostructured lipid carriers-mediated intranasal delivery of basic fibroblast growth factor enhances functional recovery in hemiparkinsonian rats. Nanomedicine. 2014, 10(4): 755-64.IF=5.413)二区

128.  Li H, Yang J, Chen Y, Guan L, Du L, Guo Y, Wang W, Wang L, Li H, Jiang C, Li XK: Expression of a functional recombinant oleosin-human hyaluronidase hPH-20 fusion in Arabidopsis thaliana. Protein Expr Purif. 2014, 103: 23-7. (IF=1.695)

129.  Zhou N, Wang J, Yu YQ, Shi JP, Li XK, Xu B,Yu Q: Mass spectrum analysis of serum biomarker proteins from patients with schizophrenia. Biomedical Chromatography. 2014, 28(5): 654-659. (IF=1.723)

130.  Yao N , Xia JX, Liu XM, Wang N, Mmi XG, Wang YF, Guan LL, Yang J, Dong YY, Wang FW , Li HY, Li XK: Topical application of a new monoclonal antibody against fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF 10) mitigates propranolol-induced psoriasis-like lesions in guinea pigs. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciecnces. 2014, 18(7): 1085-1091. (IF=1.213)

131.  Wang Y, Liu Z, Sun Y, Cai Y, Zhang X, Zhao C, Zhao Y, Wei T, Shen X, Li XK*, Liang G*: Discovery and identification of new non-ATP competitive FGFR1 inhibitors with therapeutic potential on non-small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Lett. 2014, 344(1): 82-9.IF=5.621)二区




132.  Pan Y, Zhang X, Wang Y, Cai L, Ren L, Tang L, Wang J, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Liu Q, Li XK, Liang G*: Targeting JNK by a New Curcumin Analog to Inhibit NF-kB-Mediated Expression of Cell Adhesion Molecules Attenuates Renal Macrophage Infiltration and Injury in Diabetic Mice. PLoS One. 2013, 8(11): e79084. (IF=3.234)

133.  Wang Y, Hu J, Cai Y, Xu S, Weng B, Peng K, Wei X, Wei T, Zhou H, Li XK, Liang G*: An Oxygen-Chelate Complex, Palladium Bis-acetylacetonate, Induces Apoptosis in H460 Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway Rather than Interacting with DNA. J Med Chem. 2013, 56(23): 9601-11.  (IF=5.447) 二区

134.  Chen Z, Xie B, Zhu Q, Xia Q, Jiang S, Cao R, Shi L, Qi D, Li XK, Cai L*: FGFR4 and TGF-β1 Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Correlation with Clinicopathological Features and Prognosis. Int J Med Sci. 2013, 10(13): 1868-75. (IF=2.003)

135.  Niu J, Zhu Y, Song L, Xie Y, Zhang Y, Wang H, Li XK, Liu B*, Cai L, Huang Z*: One-Step Production of Bioactive Proteins through Simultaneous PEGylation and Refolding. Bioconjug Chem. 2014, 25(1): 63-71. (IF=4.513) 二区

136.  Zhang C, Shao M, Yang H, Chen L, Yu L, Cong W, Tian H, Zhang F, Cheng P, Jin L, Tan Y, Li XK, Cai L*, Lu X*: Attenuation of Hyperlipidemia- and Diabetes-Induced Early-Stage Apoptosis and Late-Stage Renal Dysfunction via Administration of Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Is Associated with Suppression of Renal Inflammation. PLoS One. 2013, 8(12): e82275. (IF=3.234)

137.  Zhang C, Zhang L, Chen S, Feng B, Lu X, Bai Y, Liang G, Tan Y, Shao M, Skibba M, Jin L, Li XK, Chakrabarti S*, Cai L*: The prevention of diabetic cardiomyopathy by non-mitogenic acidic fibroblast growth factor is probably mediated by the suppression of oxidative stress and damage. PLoS One. 2013, 8(12): e82287IF=3.234

138.  Wu X*, Huang H, Wang C, Lin S, Huang Y, Wang Y, Liang G, Yan Q, Xiao J, Wu J, Yang Y, Li XK: Identification of a novel peptide that blocks basic fibroblast growth factor-mediated cell proliferation. Oncotarget. 2013, 4(10): 1819-28. (IF=6.359)

139.  Liu Z, Sun Y, Ren L, Huang Y, Cai Y, Weng Q, Shen X, Li XK, Liang G*, Wang Y*: Evaluation of a curcumin analog as an anti-cancer agent inducing ER stress-mediated apoptosis in non-small cell lung cancer cells. BMC Cancer. 2013, 13(1): 494. (IF=3.362)

140.  Danopoulos S, Parsa S, Al Alam D, Tabatabai R, Baptista S, Tiozzo C, Carraro G, Wheeler M, Barreto G, Braun T, Li XK, Hajihosseini MK, Bellusci S*: Transient Inhibition of FGFR2b-Ligands Signaling Leads to Irreversible Loss of Cellular b-Catenin Organization and Signaling in AER during Mouse Limb Development. PLoS One. 2013, 8(10): e76248. (IF=3.234)

141.  Cong WT, Ling J, Tian HS, Ling R, Wang Y, Huang BB, Zhao T, Duan YM, Jin LT*, Li XK: Proteomic study on the protective mechanism of fibroblast growth factor 21 to ischemia-reperfusion injury. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2013, 91(11): 973-84. (IF=1.77)

142.  Liang G*, Chen G, Wei X, Zhao Y, Li XK: Small molecule inhibition of fibroblast growth factor receptors in cancer. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2013, 24(5): 467-75. (IF=5.357)二区

143.  Wang C, Chang JY, Yang C, Huang Y, Liu J, You P, McKeehan WL, Wang F, Li XK*: Type 1 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor in Cranial Neural Crest Cell-derived Mesenchyme Is Required for Palatogenesis. J Biol Chem. 2013, 288(30): 22174-83. (IF=4.573)

144.  Li T, Luo W, He D, Wang R, Huang Y, Zeng X, Wang W, Chen X, Gao S, Yu Y, Li XK, Wu X*: A short peptide derived from the gN helix domain of FGF8b suppresses the growth of human prostate cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2013, 339(2): 226-36. (IF=5.621) 二区

145.  Chen H, Huang Z, Dutta K, Blais S, Neubert TA, Li XK, Cowburn D, Traaseth NJ, Mohammadi M*: Cracking the Molecular Origin of Intrinsic Tyrosine Kinase Activity through Analysis of Pathogenic Gain-of-Function Mutations. Cell Rep. 2013, 4(2): 376-84.(IF=8.358)

146.  Huang Z, Chen H, Blais S, Neubert TA, Li XK*, Mohammadi M*: Structural Mimicry of A-Loop Tyrosine Phosphorylation by a Pathogenic FGF Receptor 3 Mutation. Structure. 2013,  21(10):1889-1896IF=5.618 二区

147.  Zhao YZ, Lu CT*, Li XK, Cai J: Ultrasound-mediated strategies in opening brain barriers for drug brain delivery. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2013, 10(7): 987-1001.IF=4.84)二区

148.  Zhang HY, Wang ZG, Wu FZ, Kong XX, Yang J, Lin BB, Zhu SP, Lin L, Gan CS, Fu XB, Li XK, Xu HZ*, Xiao J*: Regulation of Autophagy and Ubiquitinated Protein Accumulation by bFGF Promotes Functional Recovery and Neural Protection in a Rat Model of Spinal Cord Injury. Mol Neurobiol. 2013, 48: 452–464.IF=5.137)二区

149.  Lin ZF, Tian HS, Karen S.L. Lam, Lin SQ, Ruby C.L. Hoo, Morichika K, Nobuyuki I, Yu W, Stefan R.B, Xu AM and Li XK *: Adiponectin Mediates the Metabolic Effects of FGF21 on Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Sensitivity in Mice. Cell Metab. 2013, 17(5): 779-89. (IF=17.565) 一区

150.  Shi HX, Lin C, Lin BB, Wang ZG, Zhang HY, Wu FZ, Cheng Y, Xiang LJ, Guo DJ, Luo X, Zhang GY, Fu XB, Bellusci S, Li XK*, Xiao J*: The anti-scar effects of basic fibroblast growth factor on the wound repair in vitro and in vivo. PLoS One. 2013, 8(4): e59966. (IF=3.234

151.  Hu J, Wang Y, Wei X, Wu X, Chen G, Cao G, Shen X, Zhang X, Tang Q, Liang G*, Li XK*: Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel thiazolidinone derivatives as potential anti-inflammatory agents. Eur J Med Chem. 2013, 64C: 292-301.IF=3.447)二区

152.  Song L, Huang Z, Chen Y, Li H, Jiang C*, Li XK*: High-efficiency production of bioactive recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 18 in Escherichia coli and its effects on hair follicle growth. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014, 98(2): 695-704. (IF=3.337

153.  Wang Y, Wang H, Xia J, Liang T, Wang G, Li XK, Yang YG*: Activated CD8 T cells acquire NK1.1 expression and preferentially locate in the liver in mice after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Immunol Lett. 2013, 150(1-2): 75-8. (IF=2.512

154.  Cong W, Ma W, Zhao T, Zhu Z, Wang Y, Tan Y, Li XK, Jin L, Cai L*: Metallothionein prevents diabetes-induced cardiac pathological changes, likely via the inhibition of succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid-coenzyme A transferase 1 nitration at Trp374. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2013, 304(8): E826-35. (IF=3.785)

155.  Zhao Y, Tan Y, Xi S, Li Y, Li C, Cui J, Yan X, Li XK, Wang G, Li W*, Cai L*: A novel mechanism by which SDF-1β protects cardiac cells from palmitate-induced ER stress and apoptosis via CXCR7 and AMPK/p38 MAPK-mediated IL-6 generation. Diabetes. 2013. 62(7): 2545-58. (IF=8.095)      二区

156.  Wang W, Chen X, Li T, Li Y, Wang R, He D, Luo W, Li XK, Wu X*: Screening a phage display library for a novel FGF8b-binding peptide with anti-tumor effect on prostate cancer. Exp Cell Res. 2013, 319(8): 1156-64. (IF=3.246)

157.  Jiang X, Zhang C, Xin Y, Huang Z, Tan Y, Huang Y, Wang Y, Feng W, Li XK, Li W, Qu Y*, Cai L*Protective effect of FGF21 on type 1 diabetes-induced testicular apoptotic cell death probably via both mitochondrial- and endoplasmic reticulum stress-dependent pathways in the mouse model. Toxicol Lett. 2013, 219(1): 65-76. (IF=3.262)

158.  Pan Y, Zhu GH, Wang Y, Cai L, Cai YP, Hu J, Li YL, Yan YB, Wang ZS, Li XK, Wei TM*, Liang G*:  Attenuation of high-glucose-induced inflammatory response by a novel curcumin derivative B06 contributes to its protection from diabetic pathogenic changes in rat kidney and heart. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2013, 24(1): 146-155. (IF=3.794 )

159.  Zhao YZ, Dai DD, Lu CT, Chen LJ, Lin M, Shen XT, Li XK, Zhang M, Jiang X, Jin RR, Li X, Lv HF, Cai L*, Huang PT: Epirubicin loaded with propylene glycol liposomes significantly overcomes multidrug resistance in breast cancer. Cancer Letters. 2013, 330(1): 74-83. (IF=5.621) 二区

160.  Gao HC*, Zhu H, Song CY, Lin L, Xiang Y, Yan ZH, Bai GH, Ye FQ, Li XK: Metabolic Changes Detected by Ex Vivo High Resolution 1H-NMR Spectroscopy in the Striatum of 6-OHDA-Induced Parkinson's Rat. Mol Neurobiol. 2013, 47(1): 123-130. (IF=5.137)  二区

161.  Zhang HY, Zhang X, Wang ZG, Shi HX, Wu FZ, Lin BB, Xu XL, Wang XJ, Fu XB, Li ZY, Shen CJ, Li XK*, Xiao J: Exogenous Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Inhibits ER Stress-Induced Apoptosis and Improves Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2013, 19(1): 20-29. (IF=3.931)

162.  Li WJ, Zhou N, Yu Q, Li XK, Yu YQ, Sun SL, Kou CG, Chen DC, Xiu MH, Kosten TR. Association of BDNF gene polymorphisms with schizophrenia and clinical symptoms in a Chinese population. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 2013, 612(6): 538-545. (IF=3.416)

163.  Zhou N, Yu Q, Li XK, Yu YQ, Kou CG, Li WJ, Xu HQ, Luo XG, Zuo LJ, Kosten TR . Association of the dopamine -hydroxylase 19bp insertion/deletion polymorphism with positive symptoms but not tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia. Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental. 2013, 28(3): 230-237. (IF=2.192)

164.  Abouelmaatti RR, Algammal AM, Li XK, Ma JS, Abdelnaby EA, Elfeil WMK: Cloning and analysis of Nile tilapia Toll-like receptors type-3 mRNA. Centra European Journal of Immunology. 2013, 38(3): 277-282. (IF=0.28)


2012年度 (一区3篇,二区5篇)

165.  Tan Yi, Li XK, Prabhu SD., Brittian KR., Chen Q, Yin X, McClain CJ, Zhou ZX, Cai L*: Angiotensin II Plays a Critical Role in Alcohol-Induced Cardiac Nitrative Damage, Cell Death, Remodeling, and Cardiomyopathy in a Protein Kinase C/Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase-Dependent Manner. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2012, 17, 59(16): 1477-1486. (IF=16.503)  一区

166.  Zhang L, Lu CT, Li WF, Cheng JG, Tian XQ*, Zhao YZ, Li X, Lv HF, Li XK: Physical characterization and cellular uptake of propylene glycol liposomes in vitro. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 2012, 38(3): 365-371. (IF=2.101) 

167.  Zhang MJ, Jiang XB, Su ZJ, Lin JC, Xiang Q, Yang Z, Huang YD*, Li XK: Large-scale expression, purification, and glucose uptake activity of recombinant human FGF21 in Escherichia coli. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012, 93(2): 613-621. (IF=3.337)

168.  Zhang HY, Jia JM, Cheng JG, Ye FQ, Li XK, Gao HC*: 1H-NMR-based metabonomics study on serum of renal interstitial fibrosis rats induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction. Molecular Biosystems. 2012, 8(2): 595-601. (IF=3.21) 

169.  Sun Y, Teng I, Huo RD, Rosenfeld MG., Olson LE., Li XK, Li X*: Asymmetric requirement of surface epithelial beta-catenin during the upper and lower jaw development. Developmental Dynamics. 2012, 241(4): 663-674. (IF=2.376)

170.  Zhang X, Zhang HQ, Zhu GH, Wang YH, Yu XC, Zhu XB, Liang G, Xiao J*, Li XK: A novel mono-carbonyl analogue of curcumin induces apoptosis in ovarian carcinoma cells via endoplasmic reticulum stress and reactive oxygen species production. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2012, 5(3): 739-744. (IF=1.554)

171.  Cong WT, You WJ, Chen M, Ling J, Zhu ZX, Choi J, Jin LT*, Li XK: Negative visualization of DNA in agarose gel by eosin Y and its related mechanism. Analyst. 2012, 137(6): 1466-1472. (IF=4.107)  二区

172.  Yang CF*, Jin CL, Li XK, Wang F, McKeehan WL, Luo YD. Differential Specificity of Endocrine FGF19 and FGF21 to FGFR1 and FGFR4 in Complex with KLB. Plos One, 2012, 7(3): e33870. (IF=3.234) 

173.  Wang Y, Yu C, Pan Y, Yang X, Huang Y, Feng Z, Li XK, Yang S, Liang G*. A Novel Synthetic Mono-Carbonyl Analogue of Curcumin, A13, Exhibits Anti-Inflammatory Effects In vivo by Inhibition of Inflammatory Mediators. Inflammation, 2012, 35(2): 594-604. (IF=2.208)

174.  Zhu ZX, Cong WT, Ni MW, Wang X, Ma WD, Ye WJ, Jin LT*, Li XK. An improved silver stain for the visualization of lipopolysaccharides on polyacrylamide gels. Electrophoresis, 2012, 33(7): 1220-1223. (IF=3.028)

175.  Pan Y, Wang Y, Cai L, Cai Y, Hu J, Yu C, Li J, Feng Z, Yang S, Li XK , Liang G*: Inhibition of high glucose-induced inflammatory response and macrophage infiltration by a novel curcumin derivative prevents renal injury in diabetic rats. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2012,166(3): 1169-1182. (IF=4.842) 二区

176.  Li H, Dong Y, Yang J, Liu X, Wang Y, Yao N, Guan L, Wang N, Wu J, Li XK*: De Novo Transcriptome of Safflower and the Identification of Putative Genes for Oleosin and the Biosynthesis of Flavonoids. Plos One. 2012, 7(2). (IF=3.234) 

177.  Gao H*, Dong B, Jia J, Zhu H, Diao C, Yan Z, Huang Y, Li XK: Application of ex vivo H-1 NMR metabonomics to the characterization and possible detection of renal cell carcinoma metastases. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2012, 138(5): 753-761. (IF=3.081)

178.  Zhu ZX, Cong WT, Zhou X, Chen M, Choi JK, Jin LT*, Li XK: Negative staining of lipopolysaccharides on polyacrylamide gels by using eosin B. Analytical Biochemistry. 2012, 426(1): 1-3. (IF=2.219)

179.  Li Q, Gao S, Yu Y, Wang W, Chen X, Wang R, Li T, Wang C, Li XK, Wu X*: A novel bFGF antagonist peptide inhibits breast cancer cell growth. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2012, 6(1): 210-214. (IF=1.554)

180.  Ye D, Li FY, Lam KS, Li H, Jia W, Wang Y, Man K, Lo CM, Li XK, Xu AM*: Toll-like receptor-4 mediates obesity-induced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis through activation of X-box binding protein-1 in mice. Gut. 2012, 61(7): 1058-1067. (IF=14.66)   一区

181.  Liu Q, Sun Y, Su W, Yang J, Liu X, Wang Y, Wang F, Li H*, Li XK*: Species-specific size expansion and molecular evolution of the oleosins in angiosperms. Gene. 2012, 509(2): 247-257. (IF=2.138) 

182.  Zhao YZ, Lu CT, Li XK, Tang QQ, Tian XQ*, Zhao YP, Zhang Y, Tian JL, Yang W, Ge S, Nair CK, Shen X. Improving the cardio protective effect of aFGF in ischemic myocardium with ultrasound-mediated cavitation of heparin modified microbubbles. preliminary experiment. J Drug Target. 2012, 20(7): 623-631. (IF=2.741) 

183.  Zhao YZ, Dai DD, Lu CT, Lv HF, Zhang Y, Li X, Li WF*, Wu Y, Jiang L, Li XK, Huang PT, Chen LJ, Lin M: Using acoustic cavitation to enhance chemotherapy of DOX liposomes: experiment in vitro and in vivo. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2012, 38(9): 1090-1098. (IF=2.101) 

184.  Zhao YZ, Li X, Lu CT*, Xu YY, Lv HF, Dai DD, Zhang L, Sun CZ, Yang W, Li XK, Zhao YP, Fu HX, Cai L, Lin M, Chen LJ, Zhang M: Experiment on the feasibility of using modified gelatin nanoparticles as insulin pulmonary administration system for diabetes therapy. Acta Diabetol. 2012, 49(4): 315-325. (IF=2.399) 

185.  Liu Y, Wang C, Wang Y, Ma Z, Xiao J, McClain C, Li XK, Feng W*: Cobalt chloride decreases fibroblast growth factor-21 expression dependent on oxidative stress but not hypoxia-inducible factor in Caco-2 cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012, 264(2): 212-221. (IF=3.705) 二区

186.  Liang G*, Liu Z, Wu J, Cai Y, Li XK*: Anticancer molecules targeting fibroblast growth factor receptors. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 2012, 33(10): 531-541. (IF=11.539) 一区

187.  Gong Q, Wu F, Pan X, Yu J, Li Y, Lu T, Li XK, Lin Z*: Soluble C-X-C chemokine ligand 16 levels are increased in gout patients. Clin Biochem. 2012 , 45(16-17): 1368-73.  (IF=2.275) 

188.  Wang Z, Zhang H, Xu X, Shi H, Yu X, Wang X, Yan Y, Fu X, Hu H, Li XK, Xiao J*: bFGF inhibits ER stress induced by ischemic oxidative injury via activation of the PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 pathways. Toxicol Lett. 2012, 212(2): 137-146. (IF=3.262)  

189.  Huang Z*, Zhu G, Sun C, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Ye C, Wang X, Ilghari D, Li XK: A novel solid-phase site-specific PEGylation enhances the in vitro and in vivo biostabilty of recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor 1. PLoS One. 2012, 7(5): e36423. (IF=3.234) 

190.  Lin Z, Gong Q, Wu C, Yu J, Lu T, Pan X, Lin S, Li XK*: Dynamic change of serum FGF21 levels in response to glucose challenge in human. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012, 97(7): E1224-1228. (IF=6.209)  二区

191.  Xue W, Liu Y, Zhao J, Cai L, Li XK, Feng W*: Activation of HIF-1 by metallothionein contributes to cardiac protection in the diabetic heart. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012, 302(12): H2528-2535. (IF=3.838) 

192.  Ye C, Ilghari D, Niu J, Xie Y, Wang Y, Wang C, Li XK, Liu B, Huang Z*: A comprehensive structure-function analysis shed a new light on molecular mechanism by which a novel smart copolymer, NY-3-1, assists protein refolding. J Biotechnol. 2012, 160(3-4): 169-175. (IF=2.871 )

193.  Huang Z, Ye C, Liu Z, Wang X, Chen H, Liu Y, Tang L, Zhao H, Wang J, Feng W*, Li XK*: Solid-phase N-terminus PEGylation of recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 2 on heparin-sepharose column. Bioconjug Chem. 2012, 23(4): 740-750. (IF=4.513)

194.  Xiao J, Wang Y, Peng J, Guo L, Hu J, Cao M, Zhang X, Zhang H, Wang Z, Li XK, Yang S, Yang H, Liang G*: A synthetic compound, 1,5-bis(2-methoxyphenyl)penta-1,4-dien-3-one (B63), induces apoptosis and activates endoplasmic reticulum stress in non-small cell lung cancer cells. Int J Cancer. 2012, 131(6): 1455-65. (IF=5.085) 二区

195.  Liu XJ, Chen YB, Wu XP, Li HY, Jiang C, Tian HS, Tang L, Wang DZ, Yu T*, Li XK: SUMO fusion system facilitates soluble expression and high production of bioactive human fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2012, 96: 103–111. (IF=3.337)

196.  Zhang C, Lu X, Tan Y, Li B, Miao X, Jin L, Shi X, Zhang X, Miao L, Li XK, Cai L: Diabetes-Induced Hepatic Pathogenic Damage, Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Insulin Resistance Was Exacerbated in Zinc Deficient Mouse Model. PLoS One. 2012;7(12): e49257. (IF=3.234) 

197.  Xing X, Zhang C, Shao M, Tong Q, Zhang G, Li C, Cheng J, Jin S, Ma J, Wang G, Li XK, Cai L: Low-dose radiation activates akt and nrf2 in the kidney of diabetic mice: a potential mechanism to prevent diabetic nephropathy. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2012: 291087. (IF=3.516 ) 

198.  Wang C, Yu YL, Li QC, Gao SS, Jia XL, Chen XL, Wang RX, Li T, Wang WH, Li XK, Wu XP*: P7 peptides suppress the proliferation of K562 cells induced by basic fibroblast growth factor. Tumor Biology. 2012, 33(4): 1085-1093. (IF=3.611)

199.  Wang CY, George B, Chen SL, Feng BA, Li XK, Chakrabarti S: Genotoxic stress and activation of novel DNA repair enzymes in human endothelial cells and in the retinas and kidneys of streptozotocin diabetic rats. Diabetel-metabolism Research and Reviews. 28(4): 329-337. (IF=3.553)




200.  Wu JZ, Li JL, Cai YP, Pan Y, Ye FQ, Zhang YL, Zhao YJ, Yang SL, Li XK, Liang G* : Evaluation and Discovery of Novel Synthetic Chalcone Derivatives as Anti-Inflammatory Agents. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2011, 54(23): 8110-8123. (IF=5.447)  二区

201.  Wang Y, Yu CC, Pan Y, Li JL, Zhang YL, Ye FQ, Yang SL, Zhang H, Li XK, Liang G*: A Novel Compound C12 Inhibits Inflammatory Cytokine Production and Protects from Inflammatory Injury In Vivo. Plos One. 2011, 6(9): e24377. (IF=3.234)  

202.  Zhao YZ, Sun CZ, Lu CT*, Dai DD, Lv HF, Wu Y, Wan CW, Chen LJ, Lin M, Li XK: Characterization and anti-tumor activity of chemical conjugation of doxorubicin in polymeric micelles (DOX-P) in vitro. Cancer Letters. 2011, 311(2): 187-194. (IF=5.621) 二区

203.  Tang LJ, Chen X, Sun YN, Ye J, Lu J, Han Y, Jiang X, Cheng CC, He CC, Qiu PH*, Li XK: Synthesis and biological studies of 4',7, 8- trihydroxy- isoflavone metal complexes. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 2011, 105(12): 1623-1629. (IF=3.444) 

204.  Xie LY*, Song CY, Lou YY, Xu Z, Zhang ML, Dong BJ, Gao HC, Li XK: Studies on Metabolic Characteristics and Pathological Mechanisms of Diabetic Ulcers by 1H NMR-based Metabonomics. Acta chimica sinica. 2011, 69(19): 2265-2271. (IF=1.426)  

205.  Xie LY, Zhang ML, Dong BJ, Guan MM, Lu MF, Huang ZF, Gao HC*, Li XK: Improved refractory wound healing with administration of acidic fibroblast growth factor in diabetic rats. Diabetes research and clinical practice. 2011, 93(3): 396-403. ( IF=2.538)

206.  Zhao YZ, Xu YY, Li X, Lu CT*, Zhang L, Dai DD, Sun CZ, Lv HF, Li XK, Yang W: An In Vivo Experiment to Improve Pulmonary Absorption of Insulin Using Microbubbles. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2011, 13(10): 1013-1021. (IF=2.106) 

207.  Huang ZF, Lu MF, Zhu GH, Gao HC, Xie LY, Zhang XQ, Ye CH, Wang Y, Sun CC, Li XK*: Acceleration of diabetic-wound healing with PEGylated rhaFGF in healing-impaired streptozocin diabetic rats. Wound repair and regeneration. 2011, 19(5): 633-644. (IF=2.745) 

208.  Xiang Q, Xiao J, Zhang HB, Zhang X, Lu MF, Zhang H, Su ZJ, Zhao W, Lin C, Huang YD*, Li XK: Preparation and characterisation of bFGF-encapsulated liposomes and evaluation of wound-healing activities in the rat. Burns. 2011, 37(5): 886-895. (IF=1.88) 

209.  Lu CT, Zhao YZ*, Tian XQ, Li WF, Huang PT, Li XK, Sun CZ, Zhang L: Experiment on enhancing antitumor effect of intravenous epirubicin hydrochloride by acoustic cavitation in situ combined with phospholipid-based microbubbles. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology. 2011, 68(2): 343-348. (IF=2.769)

210.  Lin ZF, Gong Q, Zhou ZH, Zhang WX, Liao SX, Liu YL, Yan XX, Pan XB, Lin SQ, Li XK*: Increased plasma CXCL16 levels in patients with chronic kidney diseases. European journal of clinical investigation. 2011, 41(8): 836-845. (IF=2.734)

211.  Yang JL, Tan Y, Zhao FL, Ma ZS, Wang YH, Zheng SR, Epstein PN, Yu J, Yin X, Zheng Y, Li XK, Miao LN, Cai L*: Angiotensin II plays a critical role in diabetic pulmonary fibrosis most likely via activation of NADPH oxidase-mediated nitrosative damage. American journal of physiology-endocrinology and metabolism. 2011, 301(1): E132-E144. (IF=3.785)  

212.  Xu YY, Lu CT, Fu HX, Zhao YZ*, Yang W, Li X, Zhang L, Li XK, Zhang M: Comparing the Enhancement Efficiency Between Liposomes and Microbubbles for Insulin Pulmonary Absorption. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2011, 13(7): 759-765. (IF=2.106)

213.  Wang Y, Xiao J, Zhou HP, Yang SL,Wu XP, Jiang CX, Zhao YJ, Liang DL, Li XK, Liang G*: A Novel Monocarbonyl Analogue of Curcumin, (1E,4E)-1,5- Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Signaling Pathway. Journal of medicinal chemistry. 2011, 54(11): 3768-3778. (IF=5.447)  二区

214.  Huang ZF*, Wang HY, Lu MF, Sun CC, Wu XP, Tan Y, Ye CH, Zhu GH, Wang XJ, Cai L, Li XK: A Better Anti-Diabetic Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (rhFGF21) Modified with Polyethylene Glycol. Plos one. 2011, 6(6): e20669. (IF=3.234) 

215.  Tian HS, Tang L, Wang Y, Wang XJ, Guan LL, Zhang J, Wu XP, Li XK*: Lactose Induction Increases Production of Recombinant Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2 in Escherichia coli. International Journal of peptide research and therapeutics. 2011, 17(2): 123-129. (IF=0.905) 

216.  Zhao BH, Lian QQ, Chu YH, Hardy DO, Li XK, Ge RS*: The inhibition of human and rat 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 by perfluoroalkylated substances. Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 2011, 125(1-2): 143-147. (IF=3.628)

217.  Lin ZF*, Zhou ZH, Liu YL, Gong Q,Yan XX, Xiao J, Wang XJ, Lin SQ, Feng WK, Li XK: Circulating FGF21 Levels Are Progressively Increased from the Early to End Stages of Chronic Kidney Diseases and Are Associated with Renal Function in Chinese. Plos one. 2011, 6(4): e18398. (IF=3.234)

218.  Guo CS, Sun Y, Zhou B, Adam RM., Li XK, Pu WT., Morrow BE., Moon A, Li X*: A Tbx1-Six1/Eya1-Fgf8 genetic pathway controls mammalian cardiovascular and craniofacial morphogenesis. Journal of clinical investigation. 2011, 121(4): 1585-1595. (IF=13.215)   一区

219.  Wu XP*, Jia XL, Ji YH, Wang C, Yu YL, Gao SS, Li QC, Li XK: Effects of a Synthetic bFGF Antagonist Peptide on the Proteome of 3T3 Cells Stimulated with bFGF. International journal of peptide research and therapeutics. 2011, 17(1): 53-59. (IF=0.905)

220.  Zhang C, Jin SZ, Guo WY, Li C, Li XK, Rane MJ, Wang GJ, Cai L*: Attenuation of Diabetes-Induced Cardiac Inflammation and Pathological Remodeling by Low-Dose Radiation. Radiation research. 2011, 175(3): 307-321. (IF=2.911)

221.  Li HY, Dong YY, Sun YP, Zhu Erle, Yang J, Liu XM, Xue P, Xiao YS, Yang SL, Wu JY, Li XK*: Investigation of the microRNAs in safflower seed, leaf, and petal by high-throughput sequencing. Planta. 2011, 233(3): 611-619. (IF=3.263) 

222.  Lin L*, Cai YP, Lin RP, Yu Li, Song CY, Gao HC, Li XK: New integrated in vivo microdialysis-electrochemical device for determination of the neurotransmitter dopamine in rat striatum of freely moving rats. Microchimica acta. 2011, 172(1): 217-223. (IF=3.741) 

223.  Tan Y, Ichikawa T, Li JQ, Si QS, Yang HT, Chen XB, Goldblatt CS., Meyer CJ, Li XK, Cai L, Cui TX*: Diabetic Downregulation of Nrf2 Activity via ERK Contributes to Oxidative Stress-Induced Insulin Resistance in Cardiac Cells In Vitro and In Vivo. Diabetes. 2011, 60(2): 625-633. (IF=8.095)  二区

224.  Zhao YZ*, Lu CT, Zhou ZC, Jin Z, Zhang L,Sun CZ, Xu YY, Gao HS, Tian JL, Gao FH, Tang QQ, Li W, Xiang Q, Li XK, Li WF: Enhancing chemotherapeutic drug inhibition on tumor growth by ultrasound: an in vivo experiment. Journal of drug targeting. 2011, 19(2): 154-160. (IF=2.741)

225.  Li HY, Dong YY, Yin HL, Wang N, Yang J, Liu XM, Wang YF, Wu JY*and Li XK*: Characterization of the stress associated microRNAs in Glycine max by deep sequencing. BMC Plant Biol. 2011, 11: 170. (IF=3.813)

226.  Fu HQ, Pang SF, Xue P, Yang J, Liu XM, Wang YF, Li TT, Li HY, Li XK*: High Levels of Expression of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 in Transgenic Tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana). Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2011, 165(2): 465-475. (IF=1.735)



227.  Zhu ZX, Cong WT, Zhang PH, Ma WD, Min L, He HZ, Choi JK, Jin LT*, Li XK: An expanding negative detection method for the visualization of DNA in polyacrylamide gels by eosin Y. Electrophoresis. 2010, 31(20): 3450-3456. (IF=3.028 )

228.  Zhu E, Zhao F, Xu G, Hou H, Zhou L, Li XK*, Sun Z, Wu J: mirTools: microRNA profiling and discovery based on high-throughput sequencing. Nucleic Acids Research. 2010, 38: W392-W397. (IF=9.112)  二区

229.  Zhao C, Cai Y, He X, Li J, Zhang L, Wu J, Zhao Y, Yang S, Li XK, Li W, Liang G*: Synthesis and anti-inflammatory evaluation of novel mono-carbonyl analogues of curcumin in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2010, 45(12): 5773-5780. (IF=3.447) 

230.  Tian JL, Zhao YZ*, Jin Z, Lu CT, Tang QQ, Xiang, Q, Sun CZ, Zhang L, Xu YY, Gao HS, Zhou ZC, Li XK, Zhang Y: Synthesis and characterization of Poloxamer 188-grafted heparin copolymer. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 2010, 36(7): 832-838. (IF= 2.101)

231.  Lin Z*, Wu Z, Yin X, Liu Y, Yan X, Lin S, Xiao J, Wang X, Feng W, Li XK: Serum Levels of FGF-21 Are Increased in Coronary Heart Disease Patients and Are Independently Associated with Adverse Lipid Profile. PLoS One. 2010, 5(12). (IF=3.234) 

232.  Lin L, Song C, Xie L, Yu L, Wu L, Zhang M, Yang S, Gao H*, Li XK: Electrochemical determination of xanthine and hypoxanthine in rat striatum with an acetylene black-dihexadecyl hydrogen phosphate composite film modified electrode by HPLC coupled with in vivo microdialysis. Microchimica Acta. 2010, 170(1-2): 47-52. (IF=3.741)

233.  Lin L, Gao H, Lin D, Gao M, Xiao M, Yang S*, Li XK: LC-ED with an Acetylene Black-Dihexadecyl Hydrogen Phosphate Composite Film-Modified Electrode for in Vivo Analysis of Thiols in Rat Striatal Microdialysate. Chromatographia. 2010, 72(5-6): 447-452. (IF=1.411) 

234.  Hou H, Zhao F, Zhou L, Zhu E, Teng H, Li XK, Bao Q, Wu J*, Sun Z*: MagicViewer: integrated solution for next-generation sequencing data visualization and genetic variation detection and annotation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010, 38(Web Server issue): W732-6. (IF=9.112) 二区

235.  Cong WT, Zhu ZX, He HZ, Jin Y, Jiang CX, Choi JK, Jin LT*, Li XK: A visible dye-based staining method for DNA in polyacrylamide gels by ethyl violet. Analytical Biochemistry. 2010, 402(1): 99-101. (IF= 2.219) 

236.  Zhao YZ*, Gao HS, Zhou ZC, Tang QQ, Lu CT, Jin Z, Tian JL, Xu YY, Tian XQ, Wang L, Kong FL, Li XK, Huang PT, He HL,Wu Y: Experiment on the factors for enhancing the susceptibility of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drug by ultrasound microbubbles. Journal of Drug Targeting. 2010, 18(6): 430-437. (IF= 2.741)

237.  Xue W, Cai L, Tan Y, Thistlethwaite P, Kang YJ, Li XK, Feng W*: Cardiac-Specific Overexpression of HIF-1 alpha Prevents Deterioration of Glycolytic Pathway and Cardiac Remodeling in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice. American Journal of Pathology. 2010, 177(1): 97-105.  (IF=4.591 )  二区

238.  Xiao Y-C, Huang Y-D, Hardy DO, Li XK, Ge R-S*: Glucocorticoid Suppresses Steroidogenesis in Rat Progenitor Leydig Cells. Journal of Andrology. 2010, 31(4): 365-371. (IF=2.473)

239.  Xiao J, Tan Y, Pan Y, Liang G, Qu C, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Li XK*, Yang H: A New Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitor, (1E,4E)-1,5-Bis(2-bromophenyl)penta-1,4-dien-3-one (GL63) Suppresses Cyclooxygenase-2 Gene Expression in Human Lung Epithelial Cancer Cells: Coupled mRNA Stabilization and Posttranscriptional Inhibition. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2010, 33(7): 1170-1175. (IF= 1.828) 

240.  Wu J*, Wang C, Cai Y, Yang S, Zheng X, Qiu P, Peng J, Wu X, Liang G, Li XK: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Antibacterial and Anti-tumor Properties of Mono-carbonyl Analogues of Curcumin. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2010, 30(6): 884-889. (IF=0.991) 

241.  Wang Y, Lin H, Lin S, Qu J, Xiao J, Huang Y, Xiao Y, Fu X, Yang Y, Li XK*: Cell-penetrating peptide TAT-mediated delivery of acidic FGF to retina and protection against ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats.  Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2010, 14(7): 1998-2005. (IF=4.014 )

242.  Wang X, Zhou X, Ma J, Tian H, Jiao Y, Zhang R, Huang Z, Xiao J, Zhao B, Qian H*, Li XK: Effects of Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2 on Corneal Epithelial Wound Healing in a Rabbit Model of Carbon Dioxide Laser Injury. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2010, 33(6): 971-976. (IF=1.828) 

243.  He H-Z, Cong W-T, Jiang C-X, Pu J, You W-J, Gao H-C, Zhu Z-X, Jin L-T*, Li XK: A user-friendly alternative to formaldehyde-based DNA silver-staining method on polyacrylamide gels.  Electrophoresis. 2010, 31(14): 2416-2421. (IF=3.028 )

244.  Zhao C, Yang J, Wang Y, Liang D, Yang X, Li X, Wu J, Wu X, Yang S, Li XK,L G*: Synthesis of mono-carbonyl analogues of curcumin and their effects on inhibition of cytokine release in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2010, 18(7): 2388-2393.  (IF=2.793) 

245.  Xiao J, Xiang Q, Xiao YC, Su ZJ, Huang ZF, Zhang QH, Tan Y, Li XK, Huang YD*: The effect of transforming growth factor-beta 1 on nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells: insensitive to cell growth but functional to TGF-beta/Smad pathway. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. 2010, 29: 35. (IF=4.429)

246.  Xiao J, Lv Y, Lin S, Jin L, Zhang Y, Wang X, Ma J, Hu K, Feng W, Cai L,Li XK,Tan Y*: Cardiac Protection by Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor from Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Injury in Diabetic Rats. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2010, 33(3): 444-449. (IF= 1.828 ) 

247.  Xiao J, Chu Y, Hu K, Wan J, Huang Y, Jiang C, Liang G, Li XK*: Synthesis and biological analysis of a new curcumin analogue for enhanced anti-tumor activity in HepG 2 cells. Oncology Reports, 2010, 23(5): 1435-1441. (IF=2.301) 

248.  Wang H, Xiao Y*, Fu L, Zhao H, Zhang Y, Wan X, Qin Y, Huang Y, Gao H, Li XK: High-level expression and purification of soluble recombinant FGF21 protein by SUMO fusion in Escherichia coli. Bmc Biotechnology. 2010, 10. (IF=2.034) 

249.  Wang C, Lin S, Nie Y, Jia X, Wang J, Xiao J, Wu J, Li XK*, Wu X: Mechanism of antitumor effect of a novel bFGF binding peptide on human colon cancer cells. Cancer Science. 2010, 101(5): 1212-1218.  (IF=3.523) 

250.  Tang Y, Yang Q*, Lu J, Zhang X, Suen D, Tan Y, Jin L, Xiao J, Xie R, Rane M, Li XK,C L: Zinc supplementation partially prevents renal pathological changes in diabetic rats. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2010, 21(3): 237-246. (IF=3.794)

251.  Zhao C*, Yang J, Liang D, Tang Q, Zhang Y, Liang G, Li XK: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Anti-tumor Properties of Fluorine-Containing Curcumin Analogues. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2010, 30(2): 289-294. (IF=0.991)

252.  Zhao B, Chu Y, Hardy DO, Li XK, Ge R-S*: Inhibition of 3 beta- and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities in rat Leydig cells by perfluorooctane acid. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2010, 118(1-2): 13-17. (IF=3.628)

253.  Zha W*, Liang G, Xiao J, Studer EJ, Hylemon PB, Pandak WM, Jr., Wang G, Li XK, Zhou H: Berberine Inhibits HIV Protease Inhibitor-Induced Inflammatory Response by Modulating ER Stress Signaling Pathways in Murine Macrophages. PLoS One. 2010, 5(2). (IF=3.234)

254.  Wu X, Yan Q, Huang Y, Huang H, Su Z, Xiao J, Zeng Y, Wang Y, Nie C, Yang Y ,Li XK*: Isolation of a novel basic FGF-binding peptide with potent antiangiogenetic activity. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2010, 14(1-2): 351-356. (IF=4.014)

255.  Lu C-T, Zhao Y-Z*, Gao H-S, Tian J-L, Zhou Z-C, Zhao G-T, Tang Q-Q, Jin Z, Xu Y-Y, Huang P-T,Han J, Wang L, Li XK: Comparing encapsulation efficiency and ultrasound-triggered release for protein between phospholipid-based microbubbles and liposomes. Journal of Microencapsulation. 2010, 27(2): 115-121. (IF=1.585 )

256.  Rane MJ*, Song Y,Jin SY, Barati MT, Wu R, Kausar H , Tan, Y, Wang YH, Zhou GH, Klein JB, Li XK, Cai L: Interplay between Akt and p38 MAPK pathways in the regulation of renal tubular cell apoptosis associated with diabetic nephropathy. American Journal of Physiology- Renal Physiology. 2010, 298(1): F49-F61. (IF=3.248)

257.  Wu XP*, Li XK: Effect of charge at an amino acid of basic fibroblast growth factor on its mitogenic activity. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2010, 21(4): 468-471. (IF=1.587 )

258.  Xiao YC, Hardy DO, Sottas CM, Li XK*, Ge RS*. Inhibition of LH-stimulated androgen production in rat immature Leydig cells: Effects on nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 by FGF2. Growth Factors. 2010, 28(1): 1-9. (IF=3.386 )

259.  Ge R, Huang Y, Liang G*, Li XK: 11 beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Inhibitors as Promising Therapeutic Drugs for Diabetes: Status and Development. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2010, 17(5): 412-422. (IF=3.853)




260.  Zheng Q, Xu Y, Liu Y, Zhang B, Li XK, Guo F, Zhao Y*: Induction of Foxp3 demethylation increases regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells and prevents the occurrence of diabetes in mice. Journal of Molecular Medicine-Jmm. 2009, 87(12): 1191-1205. (IF=5.107)  二区

261.  Zhang C , Tan Y , Guo W , Li C, Ji S, Li XK, Cai L*: Attenuation of diabetes-induced renal dysfunction by multiple exposures to low-dose radiation is associated with the suppression of systemic and renal inflammation. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2009, 297(6):  E1366-E1377. (IF=3.785)

262.  Yang LX, Huang KX, Li HB, Gong JX, Wang F, Feng YB, Tao QF, Wu YH, Li XK*, Wu XM, Zeng S, Spencer S, Zhao Y*, Qu J: Design, Synthesis, and Examination of Neuron Protective Properties of Alkenylated and Amidated Dehydro-Silybin Derivatives. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2009, 52(23): 7732-7752. (IF=5.447) 二区

263.  Wang F, Huang K, Yang L, Gong J, Tao Q, Li H, Zhao Y*, Zeng S, Wu X, Stoeckigt J, Li XK,Qu J: Preparation of C-23 esterified silybin derivatives and evaluation of their lipid peroxidation inhibitory and DNA protective properties. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2009, 17(17): 6380-6389. (IF= 2.793)

264.  Huang Z*, Ni C, Zhou X, Liu Y, Tan Y, Xiao J, Feng W, Li XK, Yang S: Mechanism of pH-Sensitive Polymer-Assisted Protein Refolding and Its Application in TGF-beta 1 and KGF-2. Biotechnology Progress. 2009, 25(5): 1387-1395. (IF=2.149)

265.  Huang KX, Gong JX, Xiong W, Yang LX, Wang F, Tao QF, Wu YH, Li XK*, Stoeckigt J, Zhao Y et al: Preparation of silybin 23-esters and evaluation of their inhibitory ability against LPO and DNA protective properties. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2009, 20(9): 1030-1033. (IF=1.587 )

266.  Huang KX, Feng YB, Yao W, Yang LX, Wang F, Li HB, Zeng S, Gong JX, Hu MH, Zhao Y*, Wu XM, Li XK,Qu J: Evaluation of lipid peroxidation inhibition and free radical scavenging abilities of 5,6,7-trimethoxy dihydroflavonols. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2009, 20(10): 1187-1190. (IF=1.587)  

267.  Hu H-W, Li XK, Zheng R-Y, Xiao J, Zeng J-Q*, Hou ST: bFGF expression mediated by a hypoxia-regulated adenoviral vector protects PC12 cell death induced by serum deprivation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2009, 390(1): 115-120. (IF=2.297)

268.  Bu L, Xiao J, Lu L, Xu G, Li J, Zhao F, Li XK, Wu J*: The Repertoire and Evolution of ATP-Binding Cassette Systems in Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 2009, 69(4): 300-310. (IF=1.68)

269.  Zeng J, Cai S, Yi Y, He Y, Wang Z, Jiang G, Li XK, Du J*: Prevention of Spontaneous Tumor Development in a ret Transgenic Mouse Model by Ret Peptide Vaccination with Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase Inhibitor 1-Methyl Tryptophan. Cancer Research. 2009, 69(9): 3963-3970. (IF=9.329) 一区

270.  Wu X, Nie C, Huang Z, Nie Y, Yan Q, Xiao Y, Su Z, Huang Y, Xiao J, Zeng Y,Tan Y,Feng W, Li XK*: Expression and Purification of Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor 2 by Fusion with SUMO. Molecular Biotechnology. 2009, 42(1): 68-74. (IF=1.876) 

271.  Tan Y, Li Y, Xiao J, Shao H, Ding C, Arteel GE, Webster KA, Yan J, Yu H, Cai L*, Li XK: A novel CXCR4 antagonist derived from human SDF-1 beta enhances angiogenesis in ischaemic mice. Cardiovascular Research. 2009, 82(3): 513-521. (IF=5.94) 二区

272.  Lin H, Hu G-X, Dong L, Dong Q, Mukai M, Chen B-B, Holsberger DR, Sottas CM, Cooke PS, Lian Q-Q, Li XK, Ge RS*: Increased Proliferation but Decreased Steroidogenic Capacity in Leydig Cells from Mice Lacking Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1B. Biology of Reproduction. 2009, 80(6): 1232-1238. (IF=3.318 )

273.  Liang G, Zhou H, Wang Y, Gurley EC, Feng B, Chen L, Xiao J, Yang S, Li XK*: Inhibition of LPS-induced production of inflammatory factors in the macrophages by mono-carbonyl analogues of curcumin. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2009, 13(9B): 3370-3379. (IF=4.014) 

274.  Huang Z, Ni C, Chu Y, Wang S, Yang S, Wu X, Wang X, Li XK, Feng W*, Lin S: Chemical modification of recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor 2 with polyethylene glycol improves biostability and reduces animal immunogenicity. Journal of Biotechnology .2009, 142(3-4): 242-249. (IF= 2.871 ) 

275.  Huang Y, Su Z, Li Y, Zhang Q, Cui L, Su Y, Ding C, Zhang M, Feng C, Tan Y,Feng W, Li XK, Cai L*: Expression and Purification of Glutathione Transferase-Small Ubiquitin-Related Modifier-Metallothionein Fusion Protein and Its Neuronal and Hepatic Protection against D-Galactose-Induced Oxidative Damage in Mouse Model. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2009, 329(2): 469-478. (IF=3.972) 

276.  He J, Luo H, Yan B, Yu Y, Wang H, Wei Z, Zhang Y, Xu H, Tempier A, Li XK*, Li X: Beneficial effects of quetiapine in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging. 2009, 30(8): 1205-1216. (IF=5.013) 

277.  Gong J, Huang K, Wang F, Yang L, Feng Y, Li H, Li XK*, Zeng S, Wu X, Stoeckigt J et al: Preparation of two sets of 5,6,7-trioxygenated dihydroflavonol derivatives as free radical scavengers and neuronal cell protectors to oxidative damage. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2009, 17(9): 3414-3425. (IF= 2.793)

278.  Chen W, Yu M, Wang Y, Peng Y, Li XK, Lam DM-K, Chen X, Liu X*: Non-Mitogenic Human Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor Reduces Retinal Degeneration Induced by Sodium Iodate. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2009, 25(4): 315-319. (IF=1.47)

279.  Zhou J, Zhao L, Huang Q, Zhou R*, Li XK: Catalytic Activity of Y Zeolite Supported CeO(2) Catalysts for Deep Oxidation of 1, 2-Dichloroethane (DCE). Catalysis Letters. 2009, 127(3-4): 277-284. (IF=2.307)

280.  Wu X, Tian H, Huang Y, Wu S, Liu X, Wang C, Wang X, Huang Z, Xiao J, Feng W, Li XK*: Large-scale production of biologically active human keratinocyte growth factor-2. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2009, 82(3): 439-444. (IF=3.337 )

281.  Wu J, Xu X, Xiao J, Xu L, Yi H, Gao S, Liu J, Bao Q*, Zhao F, Li XK: FlyPhy: a phylogenomic analysis platform for Drosophila genes and gene families. Bmc Bioinformatics. 2009, 10: 123.  (IF=2.576)

282.  Wang X, Sun L, Huang K, Shi S, Zhang L, Xu J, Peng H, Sun X, Wang L, Wu X, Zhao Y*, Li XK, Stockigt J, Qu J: Phytochemical Investigation and Cytotoxic Evaluation of the Components of the Medicinal Plant Ligularia atroviolacea. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2009, 6(7): 1053-1065. (IF=1.515 ) 

283.  Liang G, Yang S, Zhou H, Shao L, Huang K, Xiao J, Huang Z, Li XK*: Synthesis, crystal structure and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin analogues. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2009, 44(2): 915-919. (IF=3.447 )

284.  Liang G, Shao L, Wang Y, Zhao C, Chu Y, Xiao J, Zhao Y, Li XK*, Yang S: Exploration and synthesis of curcumin analogues with improved structural stability both in vitro and in vivo as cytotoxic agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2009, 17(6): 2623-2631. (IF=2.793)

285.  Li Y*, Wo JM, Liu Q, Li XK, Martin RCG: Chemoprotective Effects of Curcuma aromatica on Esophageal Carcinogenesis. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2009, 16(2): 515-523. (IF=3.93)

286.  Huang ZF, Wang SS, Ni CY, Yang SL, Li XK*, Leong SSJ: pH-sensitive polymer-assisted refolding of urea-denatured fibroblast growth factor. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2009, 20(4): 473-477. (IF=1.587)

287.  Hu G-X, Lian Q-Q, Ge R-S*, Hardy DO, Li XK: Phthalate-induced testicular dysgenesis syndrome: Leydig cell influence. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2009, 20(3): 139-145. (IF=9.392)   一区

288.  Zhao Y-Z*, Lu C-T, Fu H-X, Li XK, Zhou Z-C, Zhao G-T, Tian J-L, Gao H-S, Jiang Y-N, Hu S-P et al: Phospholipid-based ultrasonic microbubbles for loading protein and ultrasound-triggered release. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 2009, 35(9): 1121-1127. (IF=2.101)

289.  Zhao C-G, Yang J, Huang Y, Liang G*, Li XK: Crystal structure of ortho-(2E,5E)-2,5-bis (2-methoxybenzylidene) cyclopentanone,C(21)H(20)O(3). Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie- New Crystal Structures. 2009, 224(2): 337-338. (IF=0.136)

290.  Wei W*, Liu Q*, Tan Y, Liu L., Li XK, Cai LOxidative stress, diabetes, and diabetic complications. Hemoglobin. 2009, 33: 370-7. (IF=0.787)

291.  Pang SF, Li XK, Zhang Q, Yang F, Xu PL*: Interference RNA (RNAi)-based silencing of endogenous thrombopoietin receptor (Mpl) in Dami cells resulted in decreased hNUDC-mediated megakaryocyte proliferation and differentiation. Experimental Cell Research. 2009, 315(20): 3563-3573. (IF=3.246)

292.  Xu H*, Li XK, Zheng Q, Huang YD, Yao CC, Su ZJ, Zhao W, Zhao ZY: Protective effects of mutant of acidic fibroblast growth factor against cerebral ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Injury-International Journal of The Care of the Injured. 2009, 40(9): 963-967. (IF=2.137)

293.  Chen L, Jarujaron S, Wu XD, Sun LX, Zha WB, Liang GA, Wang X, Gurley EC, Studer EJ, Hylemon PB, Pandak WM, Zhang LY, Wang GJ, Li XK, Dent P, Zhou HP*: HIV protease inhibitor lopinavir-induced TNF-alpha and IL-6 expression is coupled to the unfolded protein response and ERK signaling pathways in macrophages. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2009, 78(1): 70-77. (IF=5.009) 二区

294.  Yuehui Wang, Wenke Feng, Wanli Xue, Yi Tan, David W. Hein, Li XK *, and Lu Cai*: Inactivation of GSK-3 by Metallothionein Prevents Diabetes-Related Changes in Cardiac Energy Metabolism, Inf lammation, Nitrosative Damage, and Remodeling. Diabetes. 2009, 58(6): 1391-402. (IF=8.095)

295.  Deng XY, Qin S*, Zhang Q, Jiang P, Cui YL, Li XK: Microprojectile bombardment of Laminaria japonica gametophytes and rapid propagation of transgenic lines within a bubble-column bioreactor. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 2009, 97(3): 253-261. (IF=2.125)



296.  Xu H*, Wang H*, Zhuang L, Yan B, Yu Y, Wei Z, Zhang Y, Dyck LE, Richardson SJ, He J, Li XK, Kong J, Li XM: Demonstration of an anti-oxidative stress mechanism of quetiapine: implications for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. FEBS J, 2008, 275(14): 3718-28IF=4.001)

297.  Xu H*, Yang JN, Li XK, Zheng Q, Zhao W, Su ZJ, Huang YD: Retina Protective Effect of Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor after Canceling Its Mitogenic Activity. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutic. 2008, 24(5): 445-441. (IF=1.47)

298.  Wang GL, Li XK, Sakai K, Cai L*: Low-dose radiation and its clinical implications: diabetes. Human & Experimental Toxicology. 2008, 27(2): 135-142. (IF=1.747)

299.  Wang W, Lin SQ, Xiao YC, Huang YD, Tan Y, Cai L*, Li XK: Acceleration of diabetic wound healing with chitosan-crosslinked collagen sponge containing recombinant human acidic fibroblast growth factor in healing-impaired STZ diabetic rats. Life Sciences. 2008, 82: 3-4. (IF=2.702)

300.  Chu YH, Guo F, Li YQ, Li XK, Zhou TH*, Guo YQ: A novel truncated TGF-beta receptor II downregulates collagen synthesis and TGF-beta I secretion of keloid fibroblasts. Connective Tissue Research. 2008, 49(2): 92-98. (IF=1.607)

301.  Zheng Y, Li XK, Wang YH, Cai L*: The role of zinc, copper and iron in the pathogenesis of diabetes and diabetic complications: Therapeutic effects by chelators. Hemoglobin. 2008, 32(1-2): 135-145. (IF=0.787)

302.  Wei ZR, Wang YJ, Li GQ, Li XK, Liu DH*: Optimized gene synthesis, expression and purification of active salivary plasminogen activator alpha 2 (DSPAot2) of Desmodus rotundus in Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification. 2008, 57(1): 27-33. (IF=1.695)

303.  Zhou J-M*, Yang Y-L, Zhao L, Li XK, Zhou R-X, Zheng X-M: Synthesis of MCM-41 supported amino-palladium complex and its catalytic performance for Heck reaction. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2008, 28(5): 825-831. (IF=0.991)

304.  Zhou G, Li XK, Hein DW, Xiang X, Marshall JP, Prabhu SD, Cai L*: Metallothionein suppresses angiotensin II-Induced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase activation, nitrosative stress, apoptosis, and pathological remodeling in the diabetic heart. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2008, 52(8): 655-666.  (IF=16.503 ) 一区

305.  Zhao J, Wu H, Huang KX, Shi SY*, Peng H, Sun XF, Chen LR, Zheng QX, Zhang QJ, Hao XJ, Stoeckigt J, Li XK, Zhao Y, Qu J: One chloro-furoeremophilanoid and two new natural dimers from Ligularia atroviolacea. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2008, 19(11): 1319-1322. (IF=1.587 )

306.  Zhang Y, Xu H, Jiang W, Xiao L, Yan B, He J, Wang Y, Bi X, Li XK, Kong J, Li X*: Quetiapine alleviates the cuprizone-induced white matter pathology in the brain of C57BL/6 mouse. Schizophrenia Research. 2008, 106(2-3): 182-191. (IF=3.923) 

307.  Xu X, Wu J, Xiao J, Tan Y, Bao Q*, Zhao F, Li XK: PlasmoGF: an integrated system for comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis of Plasmodium gene families. Bioinformatics. 2008, 24(9): 1217-1220. (IF=4.981)  二区

308.  Tian L, Li C*, Qi J, Fu P, Yu X, Li XK, Cai L: Diabetes-induced upregulation of urotensin II and its receptor plays an important role in TGF-beta 1-mediated renal fibrosis and dysfunction. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2008, 295(5): E1234-E1242. (IF=3.785)

309.  Lin H, Ge R-S*, Chen G-R, Hu G-X, Dong L, Lian Q-Q, Hardy DO, Sottas CM, Li XK, Hardy MP: Involvement of testicular growth factors in fetal Leydig cell aggregation after exposure to phthalate in utero. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2008, 105(20): 7218-7222. (IF=9.674) 一区

310.  Jin LT, Li XK, Cong W-T, Hwang SY, Choi JK*: Previsible silver staining of protein in electrophoresis gels with mass spectrometry compatibility. Analytical Biochemistry. 2008, 383(2): 137-143. (IF=2.219)

311.  Luo Y-K, Zhao Y-Z*, Lu C-T, Tang J, Li XK: Application of Ultrasonic Gas-Filled Liposomes in Enhancing Transfer for Breast Cancer-Related Antisense Oligonucleotides: An Experimental Study. Journal of Liposome Research. 2008, 18(4): 341-351. (IF=1.822)

312.  Liu B, Cai S-X, Ma K-W, Xu Z-L, Dai X-Z, Yang L, Lin C, Fu X-B, Sung KLP, Li XK*:  Fabrication of a PLGA-collagen peripheral nerve scaffold and investigation of its sustained release property in vitro. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine. 2008, 19(3): 1127-1132. (IF=2.587)

313.  Liang G, Yang S-L, Shao L-L, Zhao C-G, Xiao J, Lv Y-X, Yang J, Zhao Y, Li XK*: Synthesis, structure, and bioevaluation of 2,5-bis(arylmethenyl)cyclopentanones. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. 2008, 10(10): 957-964. (IF=0.913)

314.  Liang G, Yang S, Jiang L, Zhao Y, Shao L, Xiao J, Ye F, Li Y, Li XK*: Synthesis and anti-bacterial properties of mono-carbonyl analogues of curcumin. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2008, 56(2): 162-167. (IF=1.164)

315.  Liang G, Li XK*, Chen L, Yang S, Wu X, Studer E, Gurley E, Hylemon PB, Ye F, Li Y et al: Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activities of mono-carbonyl analogues of curcumin. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2008, 18(4): 1525-1529. (IF=2.42)

316.  Yadong Huang ,Yulan Rao & Chengli Feng ,Yanmei Li, Xiaoping Wu, Zhijian Su, Jian Xiao, Yechen Xiao, Wenke Feng, Li XK*: High-level expression and purification of Tat-haFGF19-154. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2008(77): 1015–1022. (IF=3.337)



317.  Li XK, Jiang LJ, Wang Y, Xiao YC, Huang YD, Yao QF, Yang YG*, Wu XP: Inhibition of angiogenesis by a novel small peptide consisting of the active fragments of platelet factor-4 and vasostatin. Cancer Letters. 2007, 256(1): 29-32. (IF=5.621) 二区

318.  Li XK, Cai SX, Liu B, Xu ZL, Dai XZ, Ma KW*, Li SQ, Yang L, Sung KLP, Fu XB: Characteristics of PLGA-gelatin complex as potential artificial nerve scaffold. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces. 2007, 57(2): 198-203. (IF=4.152)

319.  Huang ZF, Zheng Q, Wu XP, Su ZJ, Xu H, Tan Y, Feng WK, Li XK*, Cai L: Enhanced protection of modified human acidic fibroblast growth factor with polyethylene glycol against ischemia/reperfusion-induced retinal damage in rats. Toxicology Letters. 2007, 170(2): 146-156. (IF=3.262)

320.  Wang F, Yang LX, Huang KX, Li XK, Hao XJ, Stockigt J, Zhao Y*: Preparation of ferulic acid derivatives and evaluation of their xanthine oxidase inhibition activity. Natural Product Research. 2007, 21(3): 196-202. (IF=0.919) 

321.  Zhou CX, Zhang XY, Dong XW, Tao QF, Dou H, Zhang RP, Huang KX, Li XK, Chen CX, Zeng S* et al: Three new diarylheptanoids and their antioxidant property. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2007, 18(10): 1243-1246. (IF=1.587)

322.  Zhao Y, Tao QF, Zhang RP, Zhou CX*, Dou H, Shi SY, Xiao YC, Sun LL, Zeng S, Huang KX, Zhang XD, Li XK: Two new compounds from Zingiber officinale. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2007, 18(10): 1247-1249. (IF=1.587)

323.  Zhang Y, Xu H, He J, Yan B, Jiang W, Li XK*, Li X-M: Quetiapine reverses altered locomotor activity and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in rat caudate putamen following long-term haloperidol treatment. Neuroscience Letters. 2007, 420(1): 66-71. (IF=2.03)

324.  Yu X, Li C, Li XK, Cai L*: Rosiglitazone prevents advanced glycation end products-induced renal toxicity likely through suppression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Toxicological Sciences. 2007, 96(2): 346-356. (IF= 3.854) 

325.  Wu X, Liu X, Xiao Y, Huang Z, Xiao H, Lin S, Cai L, Feng W*, Li XK: Purification and modification by polyethylene glycol of a new human basic fibroblast growth factor mutant-hbFGF(Ser25,87,92). Journal of Chromatography A. 2007, 1161(1-2): 51-55. (IF=4.169) 二区

326.  Li XK, Cai L*, Feng W: Diabetes and metallothionein. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2007, 7(7): 761-768. (IF=2.903 ) 

327.  Fu X*, Fang L, Li H, Li XK, Cheng B, Sheng Z: Adipose tissue extract enhances skin wound healing. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2007, 15(4): 540-548. (IF=2.745) 

328.  Su Z, Wu X, Feng Y, Ding C, Xiao Y, Cai L, Feng W, Li XK*: High level expression of human endostatin in Pichia pastoris using a synthetic gene construct. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2007, 73(6): 1355-1362. (IF=3.337)

329.  Li XK*, Lin Z-F, Li Y, Hu S, Tan Y, Huang Z, Meng J, Liang L-M, Xia H, Qu J et al: Cardiovascular protection of nonmitogenic human acidic fibroblast growth factor from oxidative damage in vitro and in vivo. Cardiovascular Pathology. 2007, 16(2): 85-91. (IF=2 )



330.  Li SH, Cai SX*, Liu B, Ma KW, Wang ZP, Li XK: In vitro characteristics of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microspheres incorporating gelatin particles loading basic fibroblast growth factor. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2006, 27(6): 754-759. (IF=2.912) 

331.  Shen W, Li XK, Yang SL*, Ning CF: Identification of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas sp BS-03 with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2006, 34(1): 69-72. (IF=0.7 54)

332.  Su ZJ, Huang YD, Zhou QN, Wu ZL, Wu XP, Zheng Q, Ding CC, Li XK: High-level expression and purification of human epidermal growth factor with SUMO fusion in Escherichia coli. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2006, 13(8): 785-792. (IF=1.068)

333.  Xu HY, Chen Z, He J, Haimanot S, Li XK, Dyck L, Li XM*: Synergetic effects of quetiapine and venlafaxine in preventing the chronic restraint stress-induced decrease in cell proliferation and BDNF expression in rat hippocampus. Hippocampus. 2006, 16(6): 551-559. (IF=4.162) 二区

334.  Xiao YC, Huang YD, Xu PL, Zhou ZQ, Li XK*: Pro-apoptotic effect of cecropin AD on nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Chinese Medical Journal. 2006, 119(12): 1042-1046. (IF= 1.053)

335.  Wu XP, Li XK*, Zeng YY, Zheng Q, Wu SX: Site-directed PEGylation of human basic fibroblast growth factor. Protein Expression and Purification . 2006, 48(1): 24-27. (IF=1.695)

336.  Tan Y, Du J, Cai S, Li XK, Ma W, Guo Z, Chen H, Huang Z, Xiao J, Cai L* et al: Cloning and characterizing mutated human stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1): C-terminal alpha-helix of SDF-1 alpha plays a critical role in CXCR4 activation and signaling, but not in CXCR4 binding affinity. Experimental Hematology. 2006, 34(11): 1553-1562. (IF=2.475)

337.  Li W, Cai S, Cai L, Li XK*: Anti-apoptotic effect of hepatocyte growth factor from actinomycin D in hepatocyte-derived HL7702 cells is associated with activation of PI3K/Akt signaling. Toxicology Letters.  2006, 165(2): 142-148. (IF=3.262) 

338.  He J, Yang Y, Yu Y, Li XK, Li X-M*: The effects of chronic administration of quetiapine on the methamphetamine-induced recognition memory impairment and dopaminergic terminal deficit in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 2006, 172(1): 39-45. (IF=3.028)

339.  He J, Xu HY, Yang Y, Rajakumar D, Li XK, Li XM*: The effects of chronic administration of quetiapine on the phencyclidine-induced reference memory impairment and decrease of Bcl-X-L/Bax ratio in the posterior cingulate cortex in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 2006, 168(2): 236-242. (IF=3.028)

340.  Fu XB*, Fang LJ, Li XK, Cheng B, Sheng ZY: Enhanced wound-healing quality with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells autografting after skin injury. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2006, 14(3): 325-335.  (IF=2.745)

341.  Cai L*, Wang Y, Zhou G, Chen T, Song Y, Li XK, Kang YJ: Attenuation by metallothionein of early cardiac cell death via suppression of mitochondrial oxidative stress results in a prevention of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2006, 48(8): 1688-1697. (IF=16.503)一区

342.  Chen ZXu HHaimano SLi XKLi XM. Quetiapine and venlafaxine synergically regulate heme oxygenase-2 protein expression in the hippocampus of stressed rats. Neuroscience Letters. 2005, 389(3): 173-177. (IF=2.03)

343.  He JXu HYang YRajakumar DLi XKLi XM. The effects of chronic administration of quetiapine on the phencyclidine-induced reference memory impairment and decrease of Bcl-XL Bax ratio in the posterior cingulate cortex in rats. Behav Brain Research. 2006, 168(2): 236-242. (IF=3.028)



344.  Lin ZF, Li XK*, Lin Y, Wu F, Liang LM, Fu XB. Protective effects of non-mitogenic human acidic fibroblast growth factor on hydrogen peroxide-induced damage to cardiomyocytes in vitro. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2005, 11(35): 5492-5497. (IF=2.369)

345.  Yao CC, Li XK, Huang YX*: Instant effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic wave on hemoglobin in single living intact red blood cell. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2005, 16(8): 1121-1124. (IF=1.587)

346.  Fu XB*, Li XK, Cheng B, Chen W, Sheng ZY: Engineered growth factors and cutaneous wound healing: Success and possible questions in the past 10 years. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2005, 13(2): 122-130. (IF=2.745)

347.  Fu XB*, Sun TZ, Li XK, Sheng ZY: Morphological and distribution characteristics of sweat glands in hypertrophic scar and their possible effects on sweat gland regeneration. Chinese Medical Journal. 2005, 118(3): 186-191. (IF=1.053)

348.  Cai L*, Li XK, Song Y, Cherian MG: Essentiality, toxicology and chelation therapy of zinc and copper. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2005, 12(23): 2753-2763. (IF=3.853)

349.  Zheng Q, Huang Z, Wu X, Li XK*: Site-directed chemical modification of recombinant human aFGF mutant with polyeshylene glycol. Chinese chemical letters. 2005, 16: 1013-1016.IF =1.587

350.  Wu X, Su Z, Li XK*, Zheng Q, Huang Y & Yuan H: High-level expression and purification of a nonmitogenic form of human acidic fibroblast growth factor in Escherichia coli. Protein Expres Purif. 2005, 42: 7-11.IF =1.695

351.  Wu X, Li XK *, Su Z, Zheng Q, Xu H, Wu S, Feng Y, Zhao W. Expression and purification of soluble non-fusion vasostatin in Escherichia coli. Protein Pept Lett. 2005, 12: 659-661.IF =1.068

352.  Song Y, Wang J, Li XK*, Cai L *: Zinc and the diabetic heart. Biometals. 2005, 18: 325-332.IF =2.503



353.  Sun PRen XDZhang HWLi XHCai SHYe KHLi XK*. Serum from rabbit orally administered cobra venom inhibits growth of implanted hepatocellular carcinoma cells in mice.  World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2003, 9 (11): 2441-2444. (IF=2.369)

354.  Li XH, Li XK, Cai SH, Tang FX, Zhong XY, Ren XD*. Synergistic effects of nimesulide and 5-fluorouracil on tumor growth and apoptosis in the implanted hepatoma in mice. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2003, 9(5): 936-940. ( IF=2.369)

355.  Fu X*, Li XK, Wang T, Cheng B, Sheng ZY. Enhanced anti-apoptosis and gut epithelium protection function of acidic fibroblast growth factor after cancelling of its mitogenic activity. World J Gastroenterol, 2004, 10(24): 3590-3596. ( IF=2.369)

356.  Fu X*, Sun X, Li XK, Sheng Z. Dedifferentiation of epidermal cells to stem cells in vivo. Lancet. 2001, 9 (358) : 1067-1068. (IF=45.217)一区

357.  Fu X*, Yang YLi XKSun TWang YSheng Z. Ischemia and reperfusion impair the gene expression of endogenous bFGF in rat skeletal muscles.  Journal of surgical research. 1998, 80(1): 88-93. (IF=1.936)

358.  Chen SCai L*, Li XKLiu S. Low-dose whole-body irradiation induces alteration of protein expression in mouse splenocytes. Toxicol Lett. 1999, 105 (2): 141-152. (IF=3.262)

359.  Yao CC, Huang YX*, Li XK, Ruan P: Effects of pH on Structure and Function of Single Living Erythrocyte. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2003, 48: 1342-1346. ( IF=1.579)


