


时间:2020年09月02日 访问次数:











长期致力于蔬菜作物生殖发育及其分子调控机制研究及天然产物资源活性成分开发与利用,重点研究十字花科作物花粉发育及其对环境胁迫的响应机制。已在The Plant JournalAnnals of BotanyBMC Plant BiologyPlant Growth RegulationPLoS ONEMolecular Biology Reports等期刊上发表相关学术论文25篇,其中SCI期刊源收录22篇。主持2项国家自然科学基金项目;主持1项浙江省自然科学基金探索项目;主持2项市级科技计划项目;参与2项国家自然科学基金项目;参与1项国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(课题);参与1项浙江省农作物种质资源保护工作任务;参与2项市级科技计划项目。




[1]     2009/09-2014/06,浙江大学,蔬菜学,博士,导师:曹家树教授

[2]     2005/09-2009/06,浙江大学,应用生物科学,学士,导师:寿森严教授



[1]     2017/07-至今,温州大学,生命与环境科学学院 生命科学研究院,副研究员

[2]     2014/07-2017/07,温州科技职业学院,农业与生物技术学院,讲师



[1]     2022年入选第二批“浙江省高校领军人才培养计划”青年优秀人才

[2]     2020年入选温州市“高层次人才特殊支持计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才

[3]     2016年入选温州市“551人才工程第二层次培养



[1]     国家自然科学基金面上项目,31972418,白菜花粉响应低温胁迫的lncRNA-BrCBF4-COR基因调控通路研究,2020/01-2023/1258万元,主持

[2]     国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31501764,白菜花粉特异表达的两个类成束阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白基因的功能和相互关系分析,2016/01-2018/1218万元,主持

[3]     浙江省自然科学基金探索项目,LY21C150004,长链非编码RNA lncBrCPL3在白菜花粉低温应答中的功能研究,2021/01-2023/1210万元,主持

[4]     温州市基础性公益科研项目,N20210003,十字花科蔬菜中芥子油苷水解产物异硫氰酸酯对肝癌细胞致癌活性的影响及作用机制研究,2022/01-2023/124万元,主持

[5]     温州市种子种苗科技创新专项项目,Z20160008,盘菜细胞质雄性不育系‘BY10-2A’及其保持系差异表达的miRNAs及其靶基因鉴定,2016/09-2019/1210万元,主持

[6]     温州市科技计划项目,KZ1712007,利用食用型白腐真菌进行水体控藻的研究,2017/11-2020/0620万元,参加,排名第4

[7]     温州市科技计划项目,N20170005,一氧化氮(NO)提升水涝灾害后玉米幼苗成活率的研究,2017/10-2018/123万元,参加,排名第5

[8]     浙江省种子管理总站项目,2014005,温州市地方特色蔬菜种质资源收集保护,2014/11-2017/1250万元,参加,排名第4

[9]     国家自然科学基金面上项目,31372078,白菜花粉特异lncRNA对花粉发育过程基因表达的调控及其机制研究,2014/01-2017/1278万元,参加,排名第4

[10]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,31272176,白菜花粉发育相关PG基因的进化、表达和功能分化研究,2013/01-2016/1285万元,参加,排名第6

[11]  国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(课题),2012CB113901,主要蔬菜重要品质性状形成的遗传机理与分子改良(课题:蔬菜品质性状全基因组关联分析),2012/04-2014/12110万元,参加,排名第2




[1]     Huiting Huang, Yingjing Miao, Yuting Zhang, Li Huang, Jiashu Cao*, Sue Lin*, Comprehensive analysis of arabinogalactan protein-encoding genes reveals the involvement of three BrFLA genes in pollen germination in Brassica rapa, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22: 13142.

[2]     Yingjing Miao, Jiashu Cao, Li Huang, Youjian Yu, Sue Lin*, FLA14 is required for pollen development and preventing premature pollen germination under high humidity in Arabidopsis, BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21: 254.

[3]     Sue Lin*, Shiwen Su, Libo Jin, Renyi Peng, Da Sun, Hao Ji, Youjian Yu, Jian Xu*, Identification of microRNAs and their targets in inflorescences of an Ogura-type cytoplasmic male-sterile line and its maintainer fertile line of turnip (Brassica rapa ssp. rapifera) via high-throughput sequencing analysis, PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(7): e0236829

[4]     Sue Lin*, Yingjing Miao, Shiwen Su, Jian Xu, Libo Jin, Da Sun, Renyi Peng, Li Huang, Jiashu Cao, Comprehensive analysis of Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility-related genes in turnip (Brassica rapa ssp. rapifera) using RNA sequencing analysis and bioinformatics, PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(6): e0218029

[5]     Sue Lin, Li Huang, Yingjing Miao, Youjian Yu, Renyi Peng, Jiashu Cao*, Constitutive overexpression of the classical arabinogalactan protein gene BcMF18 in Arabidopsis causes defects in pollen intine morphogenesis, Plant Growth Regulation, 2019, 88: 159-171

[6]     Sue Lin, Xiaoyan Yue, Yingjing Miao, Youjian Yu, Heng Dong, Li Huang*, Jiashu Cao*, The distinct functions of two classical arabinogalactan proteins BcMF8 and BcMF18 during pollen wall development in Brassica campestris, The Plant Journal, 2018, 94: 60-76

[7]     Sue Lin, Li Huang, Xiaolin Yu, Xingpeng Xiong, Xiaoyan Yue, Tingting Liu, Ying Liang, Meiling Lv, Jiashu Cao*, Characterization and expression pattern of BcMF23a and BcMF23b, two putative pectin methylesterase genes involved in pollen development in Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis, Molecular Biology Reports, 2017, 44: 139-148

[8]     Sue Lin, Heng Dong, Fang Zhang, Lin Qiu, Fangzhan Wang, Jiashu Cao, Li Huang*, BcMF8, a putative pollen-specific arabinogalactan protein gene, contributes to pollen wall development, aperture formation and pollen tube growth in Brassica campestris, Annals of Botany, 2014, 113: 777-788

[9]     饶立兵, 胡齐赞, 余小林, 王芳展, 林苏娥*, 大白菜抽薹性状相关SSR分子标记的筛选, 分子植物育种, 2015, 13(8):1876-1793

[10]  林苏娥, 黄鹂*, 曹家树, 阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白在被子植物中的功能, 中国细胞生物学学报, 2011, 33(3):306-312

[11]  Dong Zhou, Caizhi Chen, Zongmin Jin, Jingwen Chen, Sue Lin, Tao Lyu, Dandan Liu, Xinpeng Xiong, Jiashu Cao, Li Huang*, Transcript profiling analysis and ncRNAs’ identification of male-sterile systems of Brassica campestris reveal new insights into the mechanism underlying anther and pollen development, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 806865

[12]  Hao Ji*, Ke Xu, Xiameng Dong, Da Sun, Renyi Peng, Sue Lin, Kailun Zhang, Libo Jin, Transcriptional profiling reveals molecular basis and the role of arginine in response to low-pH stress in Pichia kudriavzevii, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2020, 130(6): 588-595

[13]  Huiyan Zhou, Yanhong Liu, Yuwei Liang, Dong Zhou, Shuifeng Li, Sue Lin, Heng Dong, Li Huang*, The function of histone lysine methylation related SET domain group proteins in plants, Protein Science, 2020, 29(5): 1120-1137

[14]  Renyi Peng, Hao Ji, Libo Jin, Sue Lin, Yijiang Huang, Ke Xu, Qinsi Yang, Da Sun*, Wei Wu*, Macrophage-based therapies for atherosclerosis management, Journal of Immunology Research, 2020, 23(6093): 1-11

[15]  Yuwei Liang, Yuzhi Zhang, Liai Xu, Dong Zhou, Zongmin Jin, Huiyan Zhou, Sue Lin, Jiashu Cao, Li Huang*, CircRNA expression pattern and ceRNA and miRNA-mRNA networks involved in anther development in the CMS line of Brassica campestris, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20: 4808

[16]  D Sun*, J Chen, H Hu, S Lin, L Jin, L Luo, X Yan, C Zhang, Acanthopanax senticosus polysaccharide suppressing proliferation and metastasis of the human non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H520 cells is associated with Wnt/β-catenin signaling, Neoplasma, 2019, 66(4): 555-563

[17]  Da Sun*, Jia Chen, Wei Wu, Ju Tang, Li Luo, Kun Zhang, Libo Jin, Sue Lin, Yitian Gao, Xiaoqing Yan, Chi Zhang, MiR802 causes nephropathy by suppressing NFκBrepressing factor in obese mice and human, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2019, 23(4): 2863-2871

[18]  Libo Jin, Jia Chen, Xiaoqing Yan, Chi Zhang, Haishan Tian, Hao Ji, Sue Lin, Renyi Peng, Da Sun*, Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycosides inhibit TGF-beta 1/NF-Kappa B signaling pathway and improve renal fibrosis in diabetic nephropathy, Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2019, 35:2787

[19]  Jing Zhang, Wenhe Zhu, Benkai Xin, Sue Lin, Libo Jin*, Huiyan Wang*, Development of an antibacterial surface with a self-defensive and pH-responsive function, Biomaterials Science, 2019, 7: 3795

[20]  Xiuping Shen, Liai Xu, Yanhong Liu, Heng Dong, Dong Zhou, Yuzhi Zhang, Sue Lin, Jiashu Cao, Li Huang*, Comparative transcriptome analysis and ChIP-sequencing reveals stage-specific gene expression and regulation profiles associated with pollen wall formation in Brassica rapa, BMC Genomics, 2019, 20: 264

[21]  Xiaoyan Yue, Sue Lin, Youjian Yu, Li Huang, Jiashu Cao*, The putative pectin methylesterase gene, BcMF23a, is required for microspore development and pollen tube growth in Brassica campestris, Plant Cell Reports, 2018, 37: 1003-1009

[22]  Li Huang*, Heng Dong, Dong Zhou, Ming Li, Yanhong Liu, Fang Zhang, Yaoyao Feng, Dongliang Yu, Sue Lin, Jiashu Cao, Systematic identification of long non-coding RNAs during pollen development and fertilization in Brassica rapa, The Plant Journal, 2018, 96: 203-222

[23]  Tianyu Han, Heng Dong, Jie Cui, Ming Li, Sue Lin, Jiashu Cao, Li Huang*, Genome-wide identification, molecular evolution analysis, and expression profiling of the genes encoding putative classical arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), lysine-rich AGPs, and AG peptides in Brassica rapa, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 397

[24]  Heng Dong, Dandan Liu, Tianyu Han, Yuxue Zhao, Ji Sun, Sue Lin, Jiashu Cao, Zhong-Hua Chen, Li Huang*, Diversification and evolution of the SDG gene family in Brassica rapa after the whole genome triolication, Scientific reports, 2015, 5: 16851

[25]  冯瑶瑶, 孙继, 俞洋, 武婷, 刘丹丹, 林苏娥, 赵玉雪, 黄鹂*, 温度胁迫对植物花粉发育的影响, 中国细胞生物学学报, 2019, 41(1): 141-149



[1]     一种人源角质细胞生长因子-2的基因序列、表达载体及生产方法,发明专利,CN 107893081 BC12N15/12(2006.01)I2021.1.12,排名第10/11

[2]     小型药用植物材料粉碎机,发明专利,CN 109675688 BB02C18/10(2006.01)I2020.11.27,排名第3/3

[3]     康复行走训练医用拐杖,实用新型专利,CN 209203967 UA61H3/02(2006.01)I2019.8.6,排名第3/3



[1]     The distinct functions of two classical arabinogalactan proteins BcMF8 and BcMF18 during pollen wall patterning and microspore development in Brassica campestris25届植物有性生殖国际会议,2018.6.11-2018.6.16,日本歧阜

[2]     The fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein gene, FLA14, is involved in microspore development of Arabidopsis25届植物有性生殖国际会议,2018.6.11-2018.6.16,日本歧阜

[3]     The functions of a putative pollen-specific arabinogalactan protein gene, BcMF8, in Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis22届植物有性生殖国际会议,2012.2.3-2012.2.17,澳大利亚墨尔本

[4]     阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白基因BcMF8在白菜花粉壁发育过程中的作用,中国园艺学会第九届十字花科蔬菜学术研讨会暨新品种展示会, 2011.11.11-2011.11.14,江苏南京

